Dr. John Studd
clinical gynaecologist

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Books written or edited

1. Studd J.W.W. Ed.
The Management of the Menopause (1975)
Current Medical Research and Opinion.

2. Greenblatt R.B., Studd J.W.W. Eds
The Menopause (1977)
Clinics in Obstetrics and Gynaecology.
W.B. Saunders.

3. Studd J.W.W. Ed.
Progress in Obstetrics and Gynaecology, Vol 1 (1981)
Churchill Livingstone.

4. Studd J.W.W. Ed.
Progress in Obstetrics and Gynaecology, Vol 2. (1982)
Churchill Livingstone

5. Studd J.W.W., Gibb, DMF (Eds)
MCQs in Obstetrics and Gynaecology (1983)
Churchill Livingstone

6. Studd J.W.W. Ed.
Progress in Obstetrics and Gynaecology, Vol 3.(1983)
Churchill Livingstone

7. Studd J.W.W., Gibb D., Brown I.
Self Assessment in Obstetrics and Gynaecology for Undergraduates (1984)
Blackwell Scientific Publications

8. Studd J.W.W. and Thom M.
The Menopause (1982)
Hamlyn's Pocket Health Guide

9. Studd J.W.W. Ed.
Progress in Obstetrics and Gynaecology, Vol 4.(1984)
Churchill Livingstone

10. Studd J.W.W. Ed.
The Management of Labour (1985)
Blackwell Scientific Publications

11. Studd J.W.W. Ed
Progress in Obstetrics and Gynaecology, Vol 5. (1985)
Churchill Livingstone

12. Studd J.W.W. and Whitehead M.A. Eds
The Menopause (1988)
Blackwell Scientific Publications

13. Studd J.W.W. Ed
Progress in Obstetrics and Gynaecology, Vol 6. (1987)
Churchill Livingstone

14. Studd J.W.W. Ed
Progress in Obstetrics and Gynaecology, Vol 7 (1989)
Churchill Livingstone

15. Studd J.W.W. Ed.
Progress in Obstetrics and Gynaecology, Vol 8(1990)
Churchill Livingstone

16. Studd J.W.W. Ed.
Progress in Obstetrics and Gynaecology, Vol 9 (1991)
Churchill Livingstone

17. Drife, J., Studd, J.W.W.(1991)
HRT and Osteoporosis
R.C.O.G. Study Group Springer Verlag

18. Studd J.W.W. Ed.
Progress in Obstetrics and Gynaecology, Vol 10 (1992)
Churchill Livingstone

19. Asch, R. and Studd J.W.W. (1993)
Progress in Reproductive Endocrinology, Vol 1.
Churchill Livingstone

20. Blunt S., and Studd J.W.W. (1993)
Training in Obstetrics and Gynaecology; A time for change.
RCOG Press

21. Studd J.W.W. and Colin Jardine Brown (Eds) (1993)
The Yearbook of the RCOG (1)
The Parthenon Publishing Group

22. Smith, R., Studd, J (1993)
The Menopause and Hormone Replacement Therapy, First Edition
Martin Dunitz Ltd

23. Studd J.W.W. Ed. (1994)
Progress in Obstetrics and Gynaecology, Vol 11
Churchill Livingstone

24. Studd J.W.W. (Ed.) (1994)
The Yearbook of the RCOG (2)
The Parthenon Publishing Group

25. Asch R., Studd J.W.W. (1996)
Progress in Reproductive Endocrinology, Vol 2.
Churchill Livingstone

26. Studd J.W.W. (Ed.) (1995)
The Yearbook of the RCOG (3).
The Parthenon Publishing Group

27. Studd J.W.W. and Edwards L. (1996)
Hysterectomy and HRT
RCOG Press

28. Studd, J.W.W. Ed.
Progress in Obstetrics and Gynaecology, Vol 12 (1996)
Churchill Livingstone

29. Studd, JWW (Ed) (1996)
The Yearbook of the RCOG (4)
The Parthenon Publishing Group

30. Studd, J.W.W. Ed.
Progress in Obstetrics and Gynaecology, Vol 13 (1998)
Churchill Livingstone

31. Khastgir K. and Studd, J.W.W. (1998)
Hysterectomy and HRT
Martin Dunitz

32. Smith R. and Studd, J.W.W. (1998)
The Menopause and Hormone Replacement Therapy
Martin Dunitz (2nd Edition)

33. Studd J.
Management of the Menopause Vol 1(1998)
Parthenon Press

34. Studd J.
Management of the Menopause Vol 2. The Millennium Review
Parthenon Press (1999)

35. Studd, J. (Ed) (2000)
Progress in Obstetrics and Gynaecology. Vol 14
Churchill Livingstone

36. Sheth, S., Studd, J (2002)
Vaginal Hysterectomy
Martin Dunitz

37. Studd, J. (Ed) (2003)
Progress in Obstetrics and Gynaecology. Vol 15
Churchill Livingstone

38. Studd, J (Ed) (2003)
Management of the Menopause Vol 3
Parthenon Publishing



1. Birth Injury Litigation
Lancet (1978)
Vol 2, 1349

2. Obstetrics, Gynaecology and the FRCS
British Journal of Obstetrics & Gynaecology (1983)

3. Refuge in the Private Sector
British Journal of Hospital Medicine (1985)
Vol 33

4. Can Private Sector Funds Help the NHS?
British Journal of Hospital Medicine (1986)
Vol 36 216-217

5. Planned cycles for IVF/GIFT
British Journal of Obstetrics and Gynaecology (1988)
Vol 95 1217-1219

6. Prophylactic oophorectomy.
British Journal of Obstetrics and Gynaecology (1989)
Vol 96 506-509

7. Egg Donation and medical ethics
BMJ (1989)
299 120-121

8. HIV infection in women
British Medical Journal (1990)
301 1231-1232

9. Problems of recruiting ovum donors
British Journal of Hospital Medicine (1990)
34 239-240

10. Can the withdrawal bleed following oestrogen replacement therapy be avoided?
British Journal of Obstetrics and Gynaecology (1990)
97 1071-74

11. Antenatal HIV testing
British Journal of Obstetrics and Gynaecology (1991)
99 867-868

12. MD Madness
British Journal of Obstetrics and Gynaecology (1992)
99 3-4

13. Oestrogens and Depression in Women
British Journal of Hospital Medicine (1992)
48 211-213

14. Complications of Hormone Replacement Therapy
in postmenopausal women. (1992)
Journal of RSM
85 376-378

15. The Case Against Ovarian Biopsy for the Diagnosis of
Premature Menopause (1994)
British Journal of Obst. & Gynae.
101 96-98

16. Pregnancy associated osteoporosis
British Journal of Obstetrics and Gynaecology (1994)
Vol 101 836-8

17. Hysterectomy related depression.
British Journal of Obstetrics and Gynaecology (1999)
Vol 106, 620-622



1. Taylor, J.J., Studd, J.W.W., and Green, I.D. (1968)
Primary Refractory Anaemia in Pregnancy.
J. Obstet, Gynae. Brit. Comm. 75 963-968.

2. Studd, J.W.W., and Blainey, J.D. (1969)
Pregnancy and the Nephrotic Syndrome.
Brit. Med. J. i 276-280

3. Studd, J.W.W., Blainey, J.D., and Bailey, D.E. (1970)
Serum Proteins in the Pre-eclampsia/Eclampsia Syndrome.
J. Obstet. Gynae. Brit. Comm. 77, No:9, 796-801.

4. Studd, J.W.W., Blainey, J.D., and Bailey, D.E. (1970)
A study of Serum Protein Changes in Late Pregnancy and Identification of the Pregnancy Zone Protein
using Antigen and Antibody Crossed Immunoelectrophoresis.
J. Obstet. Gynae. Brit. Comm. 77 1, 42-51

5. Studd, J.W.W., Starkie, C.M.,~and Blainey, J.D.(1970).
Serum Protein Changes in the Parturient Mother, Fetus and New-born Infant.
J. Obstet. Gynae. Brit. Comm 77 6, 511-517.

6. Studd, J.W.W. (1970)
Chronic Renal Disease in Pregnancy.
Brit. J. Hosp. Med. 3, 248-253.

7. Studd, J.W.W., (1970)
Serum Protein in Pregnancy with Particular Reference to Pre-eclampsia and the Nephrotic Syndrome.
M.D. Thesis, University of Birmingham.

8. Studd, JW (1970)
Renal disease in pregnancy
Midwife Health Visit, (8) 287-90

9. Studd, JW., Blainey, JD. (1970)
Pathogenesis of pre-eclampsia.
Br. Med. J. 1 (695) 568

10. Blainey, J.D. and Studd, J.W.W. (1971)
Nephritis and Pregnancy.
Quarterly Journal of Medicine. 40, 566-571.

11. Stuart, J., and Studd, J.W.W. (1971)
Intravascular Coagulation and Abnormal Lung Scans in Pre-eclampsia and Eclampsia.
Birmingham Eclampsia Study Group.
Lancet 2, 889-891.

12. Studd, J.W.W. (1971)
Immunoglobulins in Normal Pregnancy, Pre-eclampsia and Pregnancy Complicated by the Nephrotic Syndrome, J. Obstet. Gynae. Brit. Comm. 78, 786-790.

13. Jordan, J.A., and Studd, J.W.W. (1971)
A Study of 9,000 Unmarried Women Seeking Contraceptive Advice.
Proceedings of the 3rd Congress of Psychosomatic Medicine in Obstetrics & Gynaecology, 500.

14. Studd, J.W.W. (1972)
Vaginal Haemorrhage.
Brit. J. Hosp. Medicine, 8, 331-335.

15. Studd, J.W.W. and Philpott, R.H. (1972)
Partograms and Action Line of Cervical Dilatation.
Proceedings of the Royal Society of Medicine 65, 700-701.

16. Studd, J.W.W. (1972)
Measurements of Urinary Proteins.
Proceedings of Organisation Gestosis 42-43.

17. Studd, J.W.W. (1972)
Immunoglobulins in Normal Pregnancy and E.P.H.Gestosis.
Proceedings of Organisation Gestosis 235-238.

18. Studd, J.W.W., Shaw, R.W., and Bailey, D.E. (1972).
Maternal and Fetal Serum Protein Concentration in Normal Pregnancy and Pregnancy Complication by
Proteinuria Pre-eclampsia.
Am. J. Obstet. Gynae. 114, 583-588

19. Studd, J.W.W., and Duignan, N.M. (1972)
Graphic Records in Labour.
Brit. Med. J. iv, 426 (Letter).

20. Studd, J.W.W. (1973)
Partograms and Nomograms in the Management of Primigravida Labour.
Brit. Med. J. iv 451-455.

21. Studd, J.W.W., Wood, S.M., Harrison, J., and Burnett, D. (1973)
Studies in the Aetiology of Proteinuria in Pre-eclampsia.
Proceedings of the 6th Meeting of the Organisation Gestosis, Glasgow, 75-80.

22. Studd, J.W.W. (1973)
The Origin and Effects of Proteinuria in Pregnancy.
J. Obstet. Gynae. Brit. Comm. 80, 10, 872-883.

23. Moore, D., Gustaffson, R., and Studd, J.W.W. (1974)
Studies of the Management of the Climacteric.
J. Obstet. Gynae. Brit. Comm. 81, 1005-1007.

24. Studd, J.W.W. (1974)
The Prevention of Prolonged Labour.
Practitioner. 212, 689-695.

25. Kelly, J., Flynn, AM., Studd, J., Theobald, GW (1974)
Dangers of oxytocin-induced labour to fetuses.
Br. Med J. 4 (5936) 101-2

26. Studd, J. (1974)
Menopause - health or disease?
Nurs Mirror Midwives J. 138 (2), 69-70

27. Studd, J.W.W. (1975)
The Partographic Control of Labour
In: Clinics in Obstetrics & Gynaecology.
2, 1, 127-151.

28. Studd, J.W.W. (1975)
The Plasma Proteins in Pregnancy.
In: Clinics in Obstetrics & Gynaecology,
2 2, 285-300.

29. Studd, J.W.W. (1975)
Proteinuria in Pregnancy.
Contemporary Obstetrics & Gynaecology. 30-35.

30. Studd, J.W.W., Chakravati, S., and Oram, D. (1975)
Practical Aspects of Hormone Replacement Therapy.
Current Medical Research and Opinion. 3 (3), 56-64.

31. Moore, D., Gustaffson, R., and Studd, J.W.W. (1975)
Experience of a National Health Service Menopause Clinic.
Current Medical Research and Opinion. 3 (3), 42-55.

32. Wood, S.M., Burnett, D., Farrell, G.W., Woolf, P., and Studd, J.W.W. (1975)
Serial Observation of Disorders of Coagulation and Fibrinolysis in Pregnancy.
Progress in E.P.H. Gestosis, 392-397.

33. Studd, J.W.W. (1975)
Identification of High Risk Labours.
Brit. Med. J. 3, 702. (Letter).

34. Studd, J.W.W., Clegg, D.R., Sanders, R.R. and Hughes, A.O. (1975)
Identification of High Risk Labours by Labour Nomogram.
Brit. Med. J. ii, 545-547.

35. Duignan, N.M., Studd, J.W.W., and Hughes, A.O. (1975)
Characteristics of Normal Labour in Different Racial Groups.
Brit. J. Obstet. Gynae. 82, 8, 593-601.

36. Oram, D., Chakravati, S., and Studd, J.W.W. (1975)
The Pathology of the Menopause and Climacteric.
Current Medical Research and Opinion. 3 (3), 11-20.

37. Studd, J.W.W. (1975)
The Use of the Partogram in Labour.
Proceedings of the Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists Study Group on Labour. 99-107.

38. Studd, J., Oram, D., Chakravarti, S., Moore, B. (1975)
Letter: Well-woman clinic.
Br.Med.J. 1 (5949), 90

39. Studd, J.W.W. (1976)
The Menopause.
In: Current Diagnosis. 1068-1070.

40. Studd, J.W.W. (1976)
The Menopause Prescribers' Journal.

41. Burnett, D., Moore, D., Williams, J.G., Studd, J.W.W. and Bradwell, J. (1976).
Plasma Protein Changes in Post-menopausal Women Receiving Mestranol and Norethisterone for Hormone Replacement Therapy.
Postgraduate Medical Journal. 52, 6, 48-51.

42. Studd, J.W.W., and Wood, S.M. (1976)
Serum and Urinary Proteins in Pregnancy.
Obstetrical and Gynaecological Annual. 5, 103-122.

43. Studd, J.W.W. (1976)
The Management of the Menopause.
Practitioner. 216, 546-555.

44. Wood, S.M., Burnett, D., Studd, J.W.W. (1976)
Selectivity of Proteinuria during Pregnancy Assessed by Different Methods.
Perspect. Nephrol. Hypertens. 30-34.

45. Wood, S.M., Burnett, D., Studd, J.W.W. (1976)
Selectivity of Proteinuria during Pregnancy Assessed by Different Methods.
In: Hypertension in Pregnancy, 75-83. Ed. Lindheimer.

46. Studd, J.W.W., and Duignan, N.M. (1976)
The Effect of Oxytocic Drugs.
In: The Cervix. 226-235.
Eds. Jordan, J.A., and Singer, A. W.B. Saunders & Co., London.

47. Studd, J.W.W. (1976)
Renal Disease in Pregnancy.
Journal of Maternal & Child Care. 34-37.

48. Studd, J.W.W. (1976)
Hormone Implants in the Climacteric Syndrome.
In: The Management of the Menopause and Post
Menopausal Years. 383-385. Ed. Campbell, S. M.T.P. Press, London.

49. Burnett, D., Wood, S.M., Studd, J.W.W., Lewis, B.V., and Bradwell, A.R. (1976).
A Study of the Relationship Between Maternal Serum and Amniotic Fluid Proteins in Early and Late Pregnancy.
Proceedings of the 24th Colloquium of the Biological Fluids. Ed. Peeters, H. Pergamon Press.

50. Burnett, D., Lewis, B.V., Wood, S.M., Bradwell, A.R. Studd, J.W.W. (1976)
Amniotic Fluid Proteins in Early and Late Pregnancy.
Brit. J. Obstet. Gynae. 83, 829-830.

51. Studd, J.W.W., Chakravati, S., and Oram, D. (1976)
Practical Problems of the Treatment of the Climacteric Syndrome.
Postgraduate Medical Journal. 52 (6), 60-64.

52. Chakravati, S., Collins, W.P., Forecast, D., Newton, J.R., Oram, D., and Studd, J.W.W. (1976)
Hormonal Profiles after the Menopause.
Brit. Med. J. 2, 784-786.

53. Studd, J. (1976)
Management of the menopause
Practitioner, 216, (1295) 546-9

54. Studd, J.W.W., Chakravati, S., and Oram, D. (1977)
The Climacteric and the Menopause.
In: Clinics in Obstetrics & Gynaecology. 4, 1, 3-29
Ed: Greenblatt, R.B., and Studd, J.W.W. W.B. Saunders & Co.

55. Studd, J.W.W. (1977)
Brit. J. Hosp. Med. 52-61.

56. Studd, J., Chakravarti, S., Oran, D. (1977)
The Climacteric Clin. Obstet. Gynaecol. (1), 3, 29

57. Studd, J.W.W. (1977)
Chronic Renal Disease in Pregnancy.
Panminerva Med. 389-390.

58. Thom, M., Chakravati, S., Oram, D., and Studd, J.W.W. (1977)
Effect of Hormone Replacement Therapy on Glucose Tolerance in Postmenopausal Women.
Brit. J. Obstet. Gynae. 84, 776-783.

59. Studd, J.W.W. (1977)
The Menopause in Current Diagnosis. 1068-1070.
Ed. Conn. W.B. Saunders, Philadelphia.

60. Studd, J.W.W. (1978)
Foreign Intervention in the Private Sector.
B.M.J. 1, Pg 990

61. Studd, J.W.W., Collins, W.P. Chakravati, S., Newton,
J.R., Oram, D., and Parsons, A. (1977)
Oestradiol and Testosterone Implants in the Treatment of Psychosexual Problems in the Postmenopausal Women.
Brit. J. Obstet. Gynae. 84, 314-316.

62. Studd, J.W.W., and Parsons, A. (1977)
Sexual Dysfunction in the Climacteric.
Brit. Journal of Sexual Medicine. 4, 11-14.

63. Chakravati, S., Collins, W.P., Newton, J.R., Oram, D., and Studd, J.W.W. (1977).
Endocrine Changes and symptomatology after Oophorectomy in Premenopausal Women.
Brit. J. Obstet. Gynae. 84, 769-775.

64. Sturdee, D.W., Wade-Evans, T., Gustaffson, R., and Studd, J.W.W. (1977)
Endometrial Histology of Postmenopausal Women Receiving Various Regimes of Oestrogen Therapy.
Brit. J. Obstet. Gynae. 84, 315.

65. Studd, J.W.W.
In: Contemporary Obstetrics & Gynaecology.
Ed. Chamberlain, G.V.P. Northwood Press.

66. Studd, J.W.W., Chakravati, S., and Collins, W.P. 1978)
Plasma Hormone Profiles after the Menopause and Bilateral Oophorectomy.
Postgraduate Medical Journal. 54 (2), 25-30.

67. Thom, M., Dubiel, M., Kakkar, V.V., and Studd, J.W.W.(1978)
The Effect of Different Regimes of Oestrogens on the Clotting and Fibrinolytic System of the Postmenopausal Women.
In: Oestrogen Therapy. Frontiers of Hormone Research.
Research 5, 192-202.Eds. Lauritzen and Van Keep.Karger, Basel.

68. Sturdee, D., Wade-Evans, T., Patterson, M.E.L. Thom, M., and Studd, J.W.W. (1978)
Relations Between Bleeding Pattern, Endometrial Histology and Oestrogen Treatment in Menopausal Women.
Brit. Med. J. 1, 1575-1577.

69. Sturdee, D., Wade-Evans, T., Dische, F., and Studd, J.W.W. (1978)
Endometrial histology of postmenopausal women receiving oestrogen therapy. In: Endometrial Cancer.
Eds. Bruch, M.D., King, R.J.B., and Taylor, R.B.

70. Patterson, M.E.L., Sturdee, D., Thom M., and Studd, J.W.W. (1978)
Endometrial Assessment.
Brit. Med. J. i 1282 (Letter).

71. Studd, J.W.W., Thom, M., and White, P.J. (1978)
Menopausal Therapy and Endometrial Pathology.
Brit. Med. J. ii, 1369.

72. Thom, M., and Studd, J.W.W. (1978)
Oestrogen/Testosterone Implant Therapy.
In: Oestrogens and the Menopause. 85-88.
Eds. Whitehead, M.I., and Campbell, S.
Abbott Laboratories Limited.

73. Studd, J.W.W., Dubiel, M., Kakkar, V.V., Thom, M., and White, P.J. (1978)
The Effect of Hormone Replacement Therapy on Glucose Tolerance, Clotting Factors, Fibrinolysis and Platelet Behaviour in Postmenopausal Women.
In: The Role of Oestrogen/Progestogen in the
Management of the Menopause. 41-59. Ed. Cooke, I.D.

74. Sturdee, DW., Wade-Evans,T., Paterson,ME., Thom,M., Studd, JW (1978)
Relations between bleeding pattern, endometrial histology a And oestrogens.
Br.Med.J. 1(6127), 1575-7

75. Studd, J.W.W., White, P.J., Paterson, M.E.L., Sturdee, D., and Thom, M. (1979)
Clinical Review - The Menopause, 22-26.
G.P. Friday, October 26th.

76. Chakravati, S., Collins, W.P., Thom, M., Studd, J.W.W. (1979)
Relation between plasma hormone profiles, symptoms and response oestrogen treatment in women approaching the menopause.
Brit. Med. J. i, 983-985.

77. Studd, J.W.W., Thom, M., Dische, F., Driver, M., Wade-Evans, T., and Williams, D.R. (1979)
The Value of Cytology for the Detection of Endometrial Abnormalities in Climacteric Women Receiving Hormone Replacement Therapy.
Brit. Med. J. i 846-848.

78. Studd, J.W.W., and Thom, M., (1979)
Oestrogen Use and Endometrial Cancer.
N. Eng. J. Med. 300, 922-923 (Letter)

79. Thom M., White, P.J., Williams, R.M., Sturdee, D., Patterson, M.E.L., Wade-Evans, T., and Studd, J.W.W. (1979)
Prevention and Treatment of Endometrial Disease in Climacteric Women Receiving Oestrogen Therapy.
Lancet i, 455-457.

80. Thom, M., Chan, K.K., and Studd, J.W.W. (1979)
Outcome of normal and dysfunctional labor in different racial groups.
Am. J. Obstet. Gynae. 135, 4, 495-498.

81. Studd J.W.W. and Thom M. (1979)
Partographic control of labour in different racial groups.
Proceedings of the IX World Congress of Obst. & Gynae Tokyo, October 1979. Pg 251-255

82. Studd, J.W.W., Thom, M., Patterson, M.E.L. (1979)
Oestrogen Therapy and Endometrial Carcinoma.
Lancet. i, 1239 (Letter)

83. Studd, J.W.W. (1979)
The Management of Spontaneous Labour.
Journal of Maternal & Child Health. 4, 1, 24-28.

84. Studd, J.W.W. (1979)
The Climacteric Syndrome.
In: Female and Male Climacteric - Current Opinion,1978
Eds. Van, Keep, P.A., Serr, D.M., and Greenblatt,
R.B. 22-23. M.T.P. Press, Lancaster.

85. Studd, J. (1979)
Chronic nephropathy in pregnancy.
Minerva Med 70 (43) 2935-6

86. Thom, M., Studd, J.W.W., (1980)
Procedures in Practice: Hormone Implantation.
Brit. Med. J. i 648-650.

87. Patterson, M.E.L., Wade-Evans, T., Sturdee, D., Thom, M., and Studd, J.W.W. (1980)
Endometrial Disease after Treatment with oestrogens and Progestogens in the Climacteric.
Brit. Med. J. 1, 822-824.

88. Thom, M., and Studd, J.W.W. (1980)
The Menopause
Postgraduate Doctor. 3, 130-143.

89. Thom M., and Studd, J.W.W. (1980)
Current Research into the Effectiveness and Safety of Hormone Replacement Therapy.
Postgraduate Doctor. 30-34.

90. Studd, J.W.W., Thom, M., Paterson, M.E.L., and
Wade-Evans, T. (1980)
The Prevention and Treatment of Endometrial Pathology in Postmenopausal Women Receiving Exogenous
In: The Menopause and Post Menopause.
Eds. Pasetto N., Ambros J.L., et al
M.T.P. Press. 127-139.

91. Studd, J.W.W., and Thom, M. (1980)
Oestrogens and Endometrial Cancer.
Controversies in Gynaecological Oncology Proceedings of a Scientific Meeting of the Royal
College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists (Feb. 1980), Pg 91-105

92. Thom M.H., and Studd J.W.W. (1980)
Oestrogens and endometrial hyperplasia
B.J.H.M. (May 1980) pg 506-513

93. Williams, R., and Studd, J.W.W. (1980)
Induction of Labour.
Journal of Maternal & Child Health. 5, 1, 16-21.

94. Williams, R., Thom M., and Studd, J.W.W. (1980)
A Study of the Benefits of and Acceptability of Ambulation in Spontaneous Labour.
Brit. J. Obstet. Gynae. 87 (2), 122-126.

95. Studd, J.W.W., Selwyn Crawford, J., Duignan, N.M.,
Rowbotham, C.J.F., and Hughes, A.O. (1980)
The Effect of Lumbar Epidural Analgesia on the Rate of Cervical Dilatation and the Outcome of Labour of Spontaneous Onset.
Brit. J. Obstet. Gynae. 87, 1015-1021.

96. Thom, M., Davies, K.J., Senkus, R.J., Allen, J.M. and
Studd, J.W.W. (1981)
Scanning Electron Microscopy of the Endometrial Cell Surface Ultra Structure in Postmenopausal Women Receiving Oestrogen Therapy.
Brit. J. Obstet. Gynae. 88, 904-913.

97. Studd, J.W.W. (1981)
A visual method of charting labor: The Partogram Contemporary Obstetrics & Gynaecology. 18 25-30.

98. Studd, J.W.W., and Thom, M. (1981)
Ovarian Failure and Ageing.
Clinics in Endocrinology and Metabolism. 10, 1, 89-113. Clin. Endocrinol. Metab. W.B. Saunders & Co.

99. Studd, J.W.W., and Thom, M. (1981)
Oestrogens and Endometrial Cancer.
Progress in Obstetrics & Gynaecology. Vol. I, 182-198.
Ed. Studd, J.W.W.
Churchill Livingstone. London.

100. British Gynae. Cancer Group (1981)
Oestrogen Replacement and Endometrial Cancer - A Statement.
Lancet i, 1359-1360.

101. Thom, M., Dische, F., Davies, K.J., Senkus, R.J. and Studd, J.W.W. (1981)
Scanning Electron Microscopy of Endometrial Cystic Hyperplasia Following Exogenous Oestrogen Therapy and Treatment with Progestogen.
J. Obstet. Gynae. 2, 1, 49-54.

102. Studd, J.W.W. Thom, M., Cardozo, D.L., Gibb, D., Tuck, S. (1981)
Oestrogen Therapy and Endometrial Cancer.
In: Actualities Gynecologiques.
Ed. Netter, Albert and Gorins, Andre.
Pub. Masson. 215-220.

103.Thom M.H., Collins W.P., Studd J.W.W. (1981)
Hormone profiles in post-menopausal women after therapy with subcutaneous implants.
Brit. J. Obstet. Gynae 88, 426-432.

104. Thom, MH., Collins, WP., Studd, JW. (1981)
Hormonal profiles in postmenopausal women after therapy with Subcutaneous …..
BJOG 88 (4) 426-33

105. Tuck, S., Studd, J.W.W., White, J.M. (1982)
Sickle Cell Disease in Pregnancy Complicated by Anti-U Antibody.
Brit. J. Obstet. Gynae. 89, 91-92.

106. Cardozo, D.L., Gibb, D., and Studd, J.W.W. (1982)
Predictive Value of Cervimetric labour patterns in Primigravidae.
Brit. J. Obstet. Gynae. 89, 33-38.

107. Gibb, D., Cardozo, D.L., Studd, J.W.W. (1982)
Prolonged Pregnancy: Is induction of labour indicated? A prospective study
Brit. J. Obstet. Gynae. 89, 292-295.

108. Cardozo, D.L., Gibb, D., Tuck, S., and Studd, J.W.W. (1982)
Social and Obstetric Features Associated with Smoking in Pregnancy.
Brit. J. Obstet. Gynae. 89, 622-627.

109. Gibb, D., Cardozo, D.L., Studd, J.W.W., Magos A.L., Cooper, D.J.(1982)
Outcome of Spontaneous Labour in Multigravidae
Brit. J. Obstet. Gynae. 89, 708-711.

110. Studd, J.W.W., Cardozo, D.L., Gibb, D., (1982)
Labour in Patients of Different Racial Groups.
In: Obstetric Problems of the Asian Community in Britain.
Ed: McFadyen, I.R. and MacVicar, J.
R.C.O.G. London, 57-65.

111. Studd, J.W.W., Cardozo, D.L., and Gibb, D.(1982)
The Management of Spontaneous Labour.
In: Progress in Obstetrics & Gynaecology, Vol.II, 60-72.

112. Studd, J.W.W., Duignan, N.D., Crawford,J.S.,
Rowbotham, C.J.F., and Hughes, A. (1982)
The Effect of Epidural Analgesia on the Progress and Outcome of Induced Labour.
J. Obstet. Gynae. 2, 230-234.

113. Khatree, M., Gamsu, H., and Studd, J.W.W.(1982)
The Aetiological Factors in Brachial Plexus Injury during Labour.
South African Medical Journal. 61, 232-233.

114. Tuck, S., and Studd, J.W.W.(1982)
Obstetric Problems of the Black Community.
In: Progress in Obstetrics & Gynaecology, Vol. III 17-33.
Ed. Studd, J.W.W.
Churchill Livingstone, London.

115. Gibb, D.M.F., Cardozo, L.D., Studd, J.W.W.,Magos,
A.L., Cooper, D.J. (1982)
Outcome of spontaneous labour in multigravidae.
Br. J. Obstet. Gynaecol 89, 708-711.

116. Tuck, S., Studd, J.W.W. and White, J.(1983)
Pregnancy in Sickle Cell Disease in the U.K.
Brit. J. Obstet. Gynae. 90, 112-117.

117. Tuck, S., Studd, J.W.W., and White, J.(1983)
Pregnancy in women with Sickle Cell trait.
Brit. J. Obstet. Gynae. 90, 108-111.

118. Cardozo, D.L., Gibb, D., Studd, J.W.W.(1983)
Should we Abolish Kiellands Forceps?
Brit. Med. J. 287 315-317.

119. Studd, J.W.W. (1983)
Obstetricians, gynaecologists and the FRCS
B.J.O.G., 90, Pgs 785-786.

120. Magos, A.L. Zilkha, K.J., Studd, J.W.W.,(1983)
Treatment of Menstrual Migraine by Oestradiol Implants.
J. of Neurol Neurosurg. Psychiat.46: 1044-1046.

121. Magos, A.L., Studd, J.W.W.(1983)
Premenstrual Uncertainties
Lancet ii: 1301 (Letter)

122. Brincat, M., Moniz, C.F., Studd, J.W.W.,(1983)
Darby, A.J., Magos, A.L., Cooper, D.
Sex Hormones and Skin Collagen Content in Post-menopausal Women.
Brit. Med. J. 287 1337-1338.

123. Brincat, M., Parsons, V., Studd, J.W.W.,(1983)
Anorexia Nervosa and Osteoporosis.
Brit. Med. J. 287 1306.

124. Tuck, SM., Studd, J. (1983)
Sickle haemoglobin and pregnancy
Br. Med. J. 287 (6399) 1143-4.

125. Tuck, SM., Cardozo, LD., Studd, JWW., Gibb, DM, Cooper, DJ (1983)
Obstetric characteristics in different racial groups.
BJOG 90 (9) 785-6

126. Magos, A.L., Collins, W.P., Studd, J.W.W. (1984)
Management of the Premenstrual Syndrome by Sub-cutaneous Implants of Oestradiol.
J. Psychosom. Obst. & Gynae, 3, 93-99.

127. Magos, A.L., Studd, J.W.W., (1984)
Premenstrual Syndrome - A New Approach to Cause and Cure.
Contemp Ob/Gyn 24, 85-91.

128. Studd, J.W.W., Cardozo, L.D., Gibb, D.M.F., (1984)
Tuck, S.M., Magos, A.L., Brincat M.,
Hormone Implants in Women Following Hysterectomy and Bilateral Salpingo-oophorectomy.
Proceedings of the 3rd International Congress on the Menopause. Antwerp.
MTP Press Ltd. The Hague, 16: 149-53.

129. Magos, A.L., Dodd, M.J., Gordge, M.P.,(1984)
Weston, M.J., Zilkha, K.J., Studd, J.W.W.
Migraine, Headache and Survival in Women
Brit. Med. J. i: 162. (Letter)

130. Magos, A.L., Studd, J.W.W., (1984)
Premenstrual Syndrome.
Progress in Obstetrics & Gynaecology. Vol. 4 334-50.
Ed. Studd, J.W.W.
Churchill Livingstone, Edinburgh.

131. Brincat, M., Magos, A.L., Studd, J.W.W.,(1984)
Subcutaneous Hormone Implants for the Control of Climacteric Symptoms: A Prospective Study.
Lancet, Vol. 1. 16-18.

132. Brincat, M., de Trafford, J.C., Lafferty, K., Studd,J.W.W. (1984)
Peripheral Vasomotor Control and Menopausal Flushing - A Preliminary Report.
Brit. J. of Obst. & Gyn. 91: 1107-1110.

133. Brincat, M., Studd, J.W.W., Moniz, C.F.,(1984)
Skin Thickness Measurements: A Simple Screening Method for Determining Patients
at Risk of Developing Postmenopausal Osteoporosis.
Osteoporosis - Ed. Christiansen: 1, 323-326.

134. Brincat, M., Moniz, C.F., Studd, J.W.W. (1984)
Skin thickness and skin collagen mimic an index of osteoporosis in the postmenopausal woman.
Osteoporosis - Ed. Christiansen: 1, 352-355.

135.Studd J.W.W.(1984)
"I want to know how to control menstruation."
The Physician (April 1984), pg 645-646.

136. Heaton, R., Brincat M., Studd, J.W.W., Moxham, J.(1984)
Progesterone in Chronic Asthma.

137. Versi, E., Cardozo, L., Brincat, M., Studd, J.W.W., (1984)
Lower Urinary Tract Symptomatology: Urodynamic Findings and Skin Collagen in Normal Postmenopausal Women.
International Continence Society, Innabruck.

138. Cardozo, L., Versi, E., Brincat, M., Studd, J.W.W. (1984)
The Incompetent Bladder Neck in Postmenopausal Patients.
International Continence Society, Innsbruck.

139. Cardozo, L.D., Gibb, D.M.F., Studd, J.W.W., (1984)
Tuck, S.M., Thom M.H., Cooper, D.J.
The Effects of Subcutaneous Hormone Implants During the Climacteric.
Maturitas, 5, 177-184.

140. Cardozo, L.D., Gibb, D.M.F., Studd, J.W.W., (1984)
Tuck, S.M., Thom, M.H., Cooper, D.J.
The Use of Hormone Implants for Climacteric Symptoms.
American Journal of Obst. & Gyne, 142 (3) 336.

141. Brincat, M., Magos, A., Studd, JWW., Cardozo, LD., O'Dowd, T.,Wardle, PJ., Cooper, D. (1984)
Subcutaneous hormone implants for the control of climacteric symptoms.
Lancet, 1 (8367) 16-18

142. Studd J.W.W. (1985)
Management of the Menopause
The Physician, Feb 96-99

143. Magos A.L., Brincat M., Zilkha K.J., Studd J.W.W.(1985)
Serum dopamine and hydroxylase activity in menstrual migraine. J. Neurol Psych 48, 328-31.

144. Magos A.L., Brincat M., Studd J.W.W. (1985)
Amenorrhoea and endometrial atrophy.
Obstet Gynecol 66, 836-837 (Letter).

145. Magos, A.L., Studd, J.W.W., (1985)
Effects of the Menstrual Cycle on Medical Disorders.
Brit. J. Hosp. Med. 33, 68-77.

146. Brincat, M., Moniz, C.J., Studd, J.W.W., (1985)
Darby, A., Magos, A.L., Embury, G., Versi, E.
Long Term Effects of the Menopause and Sex Hormones on Skin Thickness.
Br. J. Obst. & Gynae, 92, 256-9.

147. Magos, A.L., Brincat, M., Studd, J.W.W., Wardle, P., Schlesinger, P., O'Dowd, T. (1985)
Amenorrhoea and Endometrial Atrophy Following Continuous Oral Oestrogen and Progestogen Therapy on Postmenopausal Women. Obstet.
Gynaecol. 65 4, 496-9.

148. Magos, A.L., Brincat, M., O'Dowd, T., Wardle, P., Schlesinger, P., Studd, J.W.W. (1985)
Endometrial and Menstrual Response to Subcutaneous Oestradiol and Testosterone Implants and Continuous Oral Progestogen Therapy in Postmenopausal Women.
Maturitas 7, 297-302.

149. Ryland P.B., Brincat, M., Lafferty, K., and Studd, J.W.W.(1985)
Natural Progesterone and antihypergensive action.
Br. Med. J. 290, 13-14.

150. Magos A.L. and Studd, J.W.W. (1985)
Progesterone and the premenstrual syndrome: a double blind crossover trial.
B.M.J. ii: 291 213-4. (Letter).

151. Cardozo, L., Versi, E., Brincat, M., Studd, J. (1985)
Skin Collagen as a predictor in the management ofgenuine stress incontinence.
J. Obstet. Gynae. 6 75

152. Brincat, M., Studd J.W.W. (1985)
Skin thicknes and X-rays. A new method of identifying women at risk of developing osteoporosis induced fractures.
In: Update on Postmenopausal Induced Fractures.
Drug Therapy (Suppl), New York 42-46.

153. Magos, A., Brincat, M., Zilkha, KJ., Studd, JWW (1985)
Serum dopamine beta-hydroxylase activity in menstrual migraine.
J. Neurol. Neurosurg. Psychiatry. 448 (4) 328-31

154. Brincat, M., Moniz, CJ., Studd, JW., Darby, A., Magos, A., Emburey,G., Versi, E. (1985)
Long-term effects of the menopause and sex hormones on skin thickness.
BJOG 92 (3) 256-9

155. Rylance, PB., Brincat,M., Lafferty, K., De Trafford, JC., Brincat, S., Parsons, V., Studd, JW (1985)
Natural progesterone and antihypertensive action Br. Med. J. (Clin Res Ed) 290 (6461) 13-4

156. Studd J.W.W. (1986)
Severe PMS: link therapy to ovarian cycle.
Current Thinking. Modern Medicine (May 1986) pg 9

157. Studd J.W.W. (1986)
New hope for more than half of all infertile couples.
Current Thinking. Modern Medicine (May 1986) 11

158. Magos, A.L., Studd, J.W.W. (1986)
The Premenstrual Syndrome - Fact and Fiction.
Contem. Ob/Gyn. 28, 23-6.

159. Magos, A.L., Brincat, M., Studd, J.W.W.(1986)
Treatment of the Premenstrual Syndrome by Subcutaneous Oestradiol Implants and Cyclical Oral Norethisterone: Placebo Controlled Study.
B.M.J. 292, 1629-33.

160. Studd, J.W.W., Andersen, H.M., Montgomery, J.C. (1986)
Selection of Patients/Kind and Duration of Treatment.
In: Modern Approach to the Perimenopausal Years.
Schering. Ed. Robert B. Greenblatt. 129-140.

161. Versi, E., Cardozo, L., Studd, J.W.W. and Cooper, D. (1986)
Evaluation of urethral pressure profilometry for the diagnosis of genuine stress incontinence.
World J. Urol 4, 6-9.

162. Versi, E., Cardozo, L.D., Studd, J.W.W., Brincat, M.O'Dowd, T.M. and Cooper, D.J. (1986)
Internal urinary sphincter in maintenance of female continence.
Br. Med. J. 292, 166-167.

163. Magos, A.L., Brewster, E., Singh, R., O'Dowd, T., Brincat, M., Studd, J.W.W. (1986)
The Effects of Norethisterone in Postmenopausal Women on Oestrogen Replacement Therapy: A Model for the Premenstrual Syndrome.
Brit. J. Obst. Gynaecol. 93: 1290-6.

164. Magos, A.L. and Studd, J.W.W.(1986)
Assessment of menstrual cycle symptoms by trend analysis.
Am. J. Obstet Gynecol 155, 271-7.

165. Magos, A.L., Brincat, M. and Studd, J.W.W.(1986)
Trend analysis of the symptoms of 150 women with a history of the premenstrual syndrome.
Am. J. Obstet. Gynecol. 155, 277-82.

166. Pitt, P., O'Dowd, T., Brincat, M., Studd, J.W.W. et al (1986)
Reduction of skin collagen with increased skin thickness in postmenopausal women with rheumatoid
Br. J. of Rheumat 25, 263-265.

167. Magos, A.L., Brincat, M., and Studd, J.W.W. (1986)
Management of the premenstrual syndrome.
In: "A Modern Approach to the Perimenopausal Years"
(Ed. Greenblatt R.B.). New Developments in Biosciences 2. Berlin, Walter de Gruyter 221-32.

168. Studd, J.W.W. and Magos, A.L. (1986)
Hormonal manipulations in the management of premenstrual symptoms.
In: "Hormones and Behaviour, Proceedings of the 8th
International Congress of the International Society of Psychosomatic Obstetrics and Gynaecology".
(Eds. Dennerstein L., Fraser I). Amsterdam, Excerpta Medical 147-59.

169. Studd J.W.W. and Savvas M. (1986)
Gamete intra-fallopian transfer.
A treatment for infertility.
Maternal and Child Health 11: 365-68.

170. Magos, A.L. and Studd, J.W.W. (1986)
Premenstrual problems analysed by computer.
In: "The Computer in Obstetrics and Gynaecology",
(Eds: Dalton K.J., Fawdry R.D.S).

171. Montgomery, J.C., Appleby, L., Brincat, M. and Studd, J.W.W. (1986)
Women and mental illness.
Br. Med. J. 292 201.

172. Montgomery, J.C., and Studd J.W.W. (1986)
Oestradiol and testosterone implants after hysterectomy for endometriosis.
In: Proceedings, Endometriose, Clermond-Ferrar, France).

173. Studd, J. (1986)
The private sector: salvation or parasite?
Br.J.Hosp.Med. 36 (3) 216-7

174. Horn,M.E., Dick, M.C., Frost, B., Davis, L.R., Bellingham, A.J., Stroud, C.E., Studd, J.W. (1986)
Neonatal screening for sickle cell disease in Camberwell: results ……. Year pilot study.
Br.Med.J. 292 (6522) 737-40

175. Brewster, E., Preti, PM., Ruffman, R., Studd, J. (1986)
Effect of fenticonazole in vaginal candiasis: a double-blind clinical trial.
J. Int. Med. Res., 14(6)306-10

176. Magos, AL., Studd, JW. (1986)
Assessment of menstrual cycle symptoms by trend analysis
Am J Obstet Gynecol, 155 (2) 271-7

177. Brincat M., Versi E., Studd J.W.W. (1987)
Skin collagen changes in postmenopausal women receiving different regimens of estrogen therapy.
Obstet. Gynecol 70, 123-7.

178. Brincat M., Wong A., Studd J.W.W., Montgomery J., Magos A., Savvas M. (1987)
The response of skin thickness and metacarpal index to estradiol therapy in postmenopausal women.
Obstet Gynecol 70, 538-41.

179. Montgomery, J.C., Brincat, M., Tapp, A. Appleby L. Versi, E., Fenwick, P.B.C. and Studd, J.W.W. (1987)
Effect of Oestrogen and Testosterone Implants on Psychological Disorders in the Climacteric.
The Lancet: i: 297-299.

180. Brincat, M., Versi, E., O'Dowd, T., Moniz, C.F. Magos, A., Kabalan, S. and Studd, J.W.W. (1987)
Skin collagen changes in post-menopausal women receiving oestradiol gel.
Maturitas 9, 1-5.

181. Magos, A.L. and Studd, J.W.W.(1987)
Suicide attempts and the menstrual cycle.
Lancet i: 217-8 (Letter)

182.Studd, J.W.W. and Magos A.L. (1987)
Hormone pellet implantation for the menopause and premenstrual syndrome.
Obstet. Gynecol. Clin. N. Am. 14 (1): 229-249.

183.Magos, A.L. and Studd, J.W.W.(1987)
The premenstrual syndrome - a review.
In:"The Menopause".
(Eds: Studd, J.W.W. and Whitehead M.I). Edinburgh, Blackwells, 271-288

184.Studd, J.W.W. and Magos A.L. 1987)
Oestrogen therapy and endometrial pathology.
In: "The Menopause". (Eds. Studd & Whitehead)
Edinburgh, Blackwells. Pages 197-212

185.Studd, J.W.W., and Brincat M.(1987)
Skin & the Menopause
In: "The Menopause", (Eds. Studd & Whitehead)
Pages 85-101

186.Magos, A.L. and Studd, J.W.W.(1987)
The premenstrual syndrome.
In a book dedicated to R.B. Greenblatt (Ed. Ash,R).

187. Brincat M., Kabalan S., Studd J.W.W., Moniz C., De Trafford J., and Montgomery J.C. (1987)
A study of the decrease of skin collagen content, skin thickness and bone mass in postmenopausal
Obstet Gynecol 70: 840-845.

188. Brincat, M., Moniz, C.F., Kabalan, S., Versi, E., O'Dowd, T., Magos, A.L., Montgomery, J.,
Studd, J.W.W. (1987)
Decline in skin collagen content and metacarpal index after the menopause and its prevention with
sex hormone replacement.
Br. J. Obstet Gynaecol 94 126-9.

189. Magos, A.L., Collins, W.P. Studd, J.W.W. (1987)
Effects of subcutaneous oestradiol implants on ovarian activity.
Br. J. Obstet Gynaecol 94 1192-8.

190. Savvas M., Brincat M., Studd J.W.W. (1987)
Postmenopausal osteoporosis
Br. J. Hosp. Med. 38 (5) 16-24.

191. Savvas M., Brincat M., Studd J.W.W. (1987)
Atrophic problems after the menopause: management.
Medical Dialogue 160 2-4.

192. Studd J.W.W. and Savvas M. (1987)
Gamete intra-fallopian transfer.
Post Graduate Doctor Middle East10: 98-102.

193. Savvas M., Studd J.W.W., Fogelman I., Dooley M., Montgomery J.C. and Murby D. (1987)
A comparison of oestrogen replacement therapy in the prevention of postmenopausal osteoporosis.
In: Christiansen C., Johanson J.S. and Riis B. eds.
Proceedings of the International Symposium of Osteoporosis. Osteopress, Copenhagen 1987, pp 557-8.

194. Lim Howe D., Wong A., Dooley M., Savvas M., Turner P., Stocker P. and Studd J.W.W. (1987)
Early experience with GIFT.
Br. J. Obstet Gynaecol 94: 920.

195. Studd J.W.W., Brincat M., Savvas M., Dooley M. and Montgomery J. (1987)
Osteoporosis cause and management.
Br. Med. J. 294: 1032-33. Letter.

196. Studd J.W.W., Lim Howe D., Dooley M. and Savvas M. (1987)
Direct intraperitoneal insemination.
Lancet I: 326. Letter.

197. Studd J.W.W., Savvas M., Watson N.R. and Dooley M. (1987)
Monitoring oestradiol implantation.
Lancet ii: 1404-5. Letter.

198. Montgomery J.C., Appleby L., Brincat M., Versi E., Tapp A., Fenwick P.B.C. and Studd J.W.W. (1987)
Effects of oestrogen and testosterone implants on psychological disorders in the climacteric.
Lancet i 297-9.

199. Tuck S.M., James C.E., Brewster E.M., Pearson T.C., Studd J.W.W. (1987)
Prophylactic blood transfusion in maternal sickle cell syndromes.
British Journal of Obs & Gynae., 94:121-125

200. Lim-Howe, D., Studd,J., Dooley, M. (1987)
Gamete intrafallopian transfer (GIFT)
Br J Hosp Med, (3), 241-4

201. Studd,J., Lim-Howe, D., Dooley, M., Savvas, M. (1987)
Direct intraperitoneal insemination.
Lancet (8528), 326

202. Montgomery,J.C., and Studd, J.W.W. (1987)
Oestradiol and testosterone implants after hysterectomy for endometriosis
Contrib. Gynecol. Obstet. 16:241-6

203. Magos, A.L. and Studd, J.W.W. (1988)
A simple method for the diagnosis of the premenstrual syndrome using a self-assessment
Am. J. Obstet. Gynecol. 158, 1024-8.

204. Studd J.W.W., Watson N.R. (1988)
Oestrogens and depression.
In: Belfort P., Pinotti J.A.,~Eskes T.K.A.B. eds.
Advances in Gynecology and Obstetrics 6: 297-301

205. Dooley M., Lim-Howe D., Saw as M., Studd J.W.W.(1988)
Early experience with gamete intrafallopian transfer (GIFT) and direct intraperitoneal insemination (DIPI)
J.R. Soc. Med 81, 637-9.

206. Brincat M., Studd J.W.W. (1988)
Menopause - a multi-system disease Bailliers Clin Obstet Gynaecol 2(2)180.

207. Studd J.W.W., Abdalla H.I. (1988)
Planned cycles for IVF and GIFT
Br. J. Obstet. Gynaecol 95: 1217-9.

208. Abdalla H.I., Kirland A., Leonard T., Stocker P.A., Baber R.J., Owen E.C., Studd J.W.W. (1988)
In vitro fertilisation (letter)
Br Med J 296: 1470

209. Magos, A.L., Studd, J.W.W. (1988)
The menstrual cycle: effects and analysis.
J. Biomed Eng 1988; 10, 105-9.

210. Studd J.W.W., Baber R.J. (1988)
Calcitonin for postmenopausal bone loss (letter)
Lancet 1: 1277-8.

211. Versi, E., Brincat, M., Cardozo, L.D., O'Dowd, T.,
Cooper, D., Studd, J.W.W. (1988)
Correlation of urethral physiology and skin collagen in postmenopausal women.
Br. J. Obstet. Gynaecol 95: 147-152.

212. Savvas M., Studd J.W.W., Fogelman I., Dooley M., Montgomery J., Murby B. (1988)
Skeletal effects of oral oestrogen compared with subcutaneous oestrogen and testosterone in
postmenopausal women.
Br. Med. J. 297, 331-333.

213. Watson N.R., Studd J.W.W., Riddle A.F., Savvas M. (1988)
Suppression of ovulation by transdermal oestradiol patches.
Br. Med. J. , 297, 900-901.

214. Tapp A., Cardozo L., Versi E., Montgomery J. and Studd J. (1988)
The effect of vaginal delivery on the urethral sphincter.
Br J Obstet Gynae 95, 142-146.

215. Savvas M., Treasure J., Studd JWW, Fogelman I., Moniz C., Brincat M., Anderson H., and Montgomery J. (1988)
The effect of anorexia nervosa on skin thickness, skin collagen and bone density.
In: Genazzani AR, Petraglia F. Volpe A and Facchinetti F.
Eds. Recent Research in Gynaecological Endocrinology.
Partheon Publishing Group, Lancs 1988: pp 178-182.

216. Tapp A., Cardozo L., Versi E. and Studd J.W.W. (1988)
The prevalence of variation of resting urethral pressure in women and its association with lower
urinary tract function.
British Journal of Urology 61, 314-317.

217. Studd J.W.W.(1989)
Hormone replacement therapy and breast cancer
Lancet ii 1164. ( letter)

218. Studd J.W.W., Savvas M., Johnson M. ( 1989)
Treating patients with asthma who are dependent on systemic steroids.
B.M.J. 299,857. Letter.

219. Abdalla H., Studd J.W.W. (1989)
Egg donation and medical ethics
B.M.J. 299, 120.

220. Abdalla H.I., Baber R.J., LeonardT., Kirkland A., Mitchell A., Power M., Owen E., Studd J.W.W. (1989)
Timed oocyte collection in an assisted conception programme using GnRH analogue.
Hum. Reprod. 4 927-930.

221. Studd J.W.W., Savvas M., Johnson M. (1989)
Correction of corticosteroid induced osteoporosis by percutaneous hormone implants.
Lancet I: (letter) p339.

222. Studd J.W.W., Savvas M., Johnson M. 1989)
Corticosteroid induced osteoporosis and hormone implants.
Lancet I: (letter)850-1.

223. Savvas M., Treasure J., Studd J., Fogelman I.,
Moniz C., Brincat M. (1989)
The effect of anorexia nervosa on skin thickness, skin collagen and bone density.
Br J Obstet Gynae 96: 1392-94.

224. Baber R.J., Studd J.W.W. (1989)
Hormone replacement therapy and cancer.
Br J Hosp Med 41, 144-6.

225. Studd J.W.W. (1989)
Prophylactic oophorectomy.
Br. J. Obstet Gynaecol 96, 506-9.

226. Watson N.R., Studd J.W.W., Savvas M., Garnett T., Baber R.J. (1989)
Treatment of severe pre-menstrual syndrome with oestradiol patches and cyclical oral norethisterone.
Lancet ii: 730-734.

227. Montgomery J.C., Crook D., Godsland I.F., Wynn V., Studd J.W.W. (1989)
Plasma lipid risk factors in oophorectomized women.
Br. J Obstet Gynaecol 96, 1236-8.

228. Abdalla H.I., Baber R.J., Kirland A., Leonard T., Studd J.W.W. (1989)
Pregnancy in women with premature ovarian failure using tubal and intra-uterine transfer of
cryopreserved zygotes.
Br. J. Obstet. Gynaecol 96, 1071-1075.

229. Studd J.W.W., Dooley M.M., Welch C.C. Vijayakanthan K., Mowat J.M., Wade A., Newell M. (1989)
Comparative clinical trial of fenticonazole ovule (600 mg) versus clotrimazole vaginal tablet (500 mg) in the treatment of symptomatic vaginal candidiasis.
Curr Med Res Opin II 8, 477-84.

230. Moniz C., Savvas M., Brincat M., Studd J.W.W.(1989)
The effects of oestrogens on skin ageing in the menopause.
In: Cutaneous Development, Ageing and Repair, 18, 107-111.
Livianda Press, Padova, Italy.

231. Studd J.W.W. (1989)
Hysterectomy and menorrhagia Bailliere's Clin Obst Gynecol 3(2), 415-424
Ed: Drife J.

232. Henderson A.F., Studd J.W.W., Watson N.R. (1989)
A retrospective study of oestrogen replacement therapy after hysterectomy for endometriosis.
In: Proceedings of the ICI symposium on endometriosis
Cambridge Carnforth Parthenon Press (131-140)

233. Savvas M. and Studd JWW (1989)
HRT and carcinoma of the breast.
Medical Monitor 32-33.

234. Studd J.W.W., Henderson A.F., Garnett T.J., Watson N.R and Savvas M. (1989)
Symptoms of oestrogen deficiency in women with oestradiol implants.
Br Med J. 299: 1400-1. (Letter)

235. Abdalla H., Baber R., Studd J.W.W. (1990)
Active management of infertilty
In: Progress in Obstetrics and Gynaecology
Ed: Studd J.W.W, Churchill Livingstone, London.
Vol 8, 315-329

236. Watson N.R., Studd J.W.W., Savvas M., Baber R.J. (1990)
effects of estradiol implant therapy for the treatment of pre-menstrual syndrome.
Gynecol. Endo 4: 99-107.

237. Magos A.L., Studd J.W.W. (1990)
Hormone implants in gynaecology Progress in Obstetrics and Gynaecology Vol:8 313-334.
Ed. Studd J.W.W., Churchill Livingstone, London.

238. Versi E., Cardozo L., Studd J.W.W. (1990)
Long-term effect of estradiol implants on the female urinary tract during the climacteric.
Inter. Urogynecol. J. I: 87-90

239. Abdalla, H.I., Baber, R., Kirkland, A., Leonard, L., Power, M., and Studd, J.W.W. (1990)
A report on 100 cycles of oocyte donation; factors affecting the outcome.
Human Reproduction, Vol 5,no. 8, 1018-1022

240. Power M., Baber R., Abdalla H., Kirkland A., Leonard T., Studd J.W.W. (1990)
A comparison of the attitudes of volunteer donors and infertile patient donors on an ovum donation
Hum Reprod 5(3): 352-5.

241. Burton G., Abdalla H.I., Studd J.W.W. (1990)
Problems of recruiting ovum donors.
B.J.H.M. 44 (4) 239

242. Studd J.W.W., Watson N.R., Montgomery J. (1990)
Depression and the menopause (letter)
Br Med J 23: 300 (6740): 1653.

243. Garnett T.J., Studd J.W.W. (1990)
For how long should women take hormone replacement therapy.
Maternal & Child Health 15, 9, 274-278.

244. Garnett T., Studd J.W.W. Henderson A.F., Watson N.R., Savvas M., Leather A. (1990)
Hormone implants and tachyphylaxis.
B.J.O.G. 97: 917-921

245. Garnett T.J., Savvas M., Studd J.W.W. (1990)
Reversal of bone loss with percutaneous oestrogens
In: HRT and Osteoporosis
Eds: Drife J.O., Studd J.W.W., R.C.O.G. Study Group,
Springer-Verlag, London 1990, p 295.

246. Gregoire A., Henderson A., Studd J.W.W., Kumar R.(1990)
The role of oestrogens in the treatment of post-natal depression: preliminary results from a placebo controlled study.
Abstract: The Fifth International Conference of Marce
Society, York, U.K.

247. Studd, J.W.W., Watson N.R., Henderson, A.F. (1990)
Symptoms and metabolic sequelae of the menopause.
In: HRT and Osteoporosis.
Ed: J. Drife, J. Studd, R.C.O.G. Study Group.
Springer, Pg 23

248. Watson N.R., Studd J.W.W., Savvas M., Baber, R.J.(1990)
The long-term effects of Estradiol implant therapy for the treatment of pre-menstrual syndrome.
Gynecological Endocrinology 4 (2) 99-107

249. Studd J.W.W., Savvas M., Fogelman I., Garnett T., Watson N.R., Cooper,D. (1990)
The relationship between plasma oestradiol and the increase in bone density in post-menopausal women following treatment with subcutaneous hormone implants.
Am. J. Obstet. Gynecol 163: 1474-79

250. Leather A., Studd J.W.W. (1990)
Can the withdrawal bleed following oestrogen replacement therapy be avoided?
Br J. Obs Gynaec 97, 1071-74

251. Studd J.W.W., Garnett T.J. and Savvas M. (1990)
Osteoporosis after 60 (Letter)
Br Med J. 301: 816.

252. Garnett T.J., Studd J.W.W. (1990)
What age to stop HRT
Update 40: 2: 115-123.

253. Watson, N.R., Savvas M., Garnett T.J. (1990)
Use of oestrogen in treatment of the premenstrual
syndrome: a comparison of the routes of administration.
Contemp. Rev. Obstet. Gynae. Vol 2, 117-123

254. Studd J.W.W., Savvas M., Garnett T.J. (1990)
A comparison of oral and subcutaneous hormone replacement in the prevention of osteoporosis.
Current Research in Osteoporosis and Bone Mineral Measurements 10: 95-96

255. Versi E., Cardozo L., Studd J.W.W. (1990)
Distal urethral compensatory mechanisms in women with an incompetent bladder neck who remain continent, and the effect of the menopause.
Neurology and Urodynamics 9: 579-590.

256. Brincat M., Moniz C., Savvas M., and Studd J.W.W. (1990)
Oestrogen deficiency and connective tissues.
In: Drife J.O. and Studd J.W.W., Eds. HRT and Osteoporosis.
Springer-Verlag: London 1990: p 47-55.

257. Garnett T.J., Crook D., Worthington M., Savvas M., Watson N.R., Montgomery J.C. and Studd J.W.W. (1990)
Prospective study of a new oral hormone replacement therapy combining continuous oestradiol valerate with sequential levonorgestrel: effect on plasma lipoprotein risk markers.
In: Christiansen C, Ed. Osteoporosis. Copenhagen:
Osteopress Aps 1829-31.

258. Norman, S., Studd J.W.W., Johnson M. (1990)
HIV Infection in Women (World AIDS Day)
Br. Med. J. 301 1231-2

259. Studd J.W.W., Watson N.R., Henderson A. (1990)
Oestrogen therapy for the menopause.
Br J Psych 157, 931 (Letter)

260. Watson N.R., Studd J.W.W. (1990)
The Premenstrual Syndrome.
B.J.H.M. 44(4) 286-92

261. Studd J.W.W. and Garnett T.J. (1991)
Hormone implants and tachyphylaxis.
B.J.O.G. 98 607-609 (Correspondence)

262. Watson N.R., Studd J.W.W. (1991)
Gonadal hormones and depression in women.
In: Current Approaches - Prediction and Treatment of Recurrent Depression
Eds J. Cobb and Nicola Goeting pages 53-63

263. Crook D., Montgomery J.C., Godsland I.F., Devenport M., Marenah C.B., Studd J.W.W and Wynn V. (1991)
Lipid and carbohydrate metabolism in premenopausal women given subdermal estradiol implants.
Hormone & Metabolic Research 23 174-177.

264. Appleby L., Montgomery J., Studd J.W.W.(1991)
Oestrogens and affective disorders
In: Progress in Obstetrics and Gynaecology
Ed: J. Studd Vol 9: 289-302

265. Henderson A.F., Gregoire A.J.P., Kumar R. and Studd J.W.W. (1991)
The treatment of severe post-natal depression with oestradiol skin patches.
The Lancet ii: 338: p816 Letter.

266. Garnett T.J., Studd J.W.W. (1991)
HRT - Indications and Contra-Indications
Maternal & Child Health 16: 276-281.

267. Brincat M., Savvas M and Studd J.W.W.(1991)
The Menopause.
In: Varma TR ed, Clinical gynaecology.
Edward Arnold: London 743-761.

268. Montgomery J.C. and Studd J.W.W. (1991)
Psychological and sexual aspects of the menopause.
Br. J. Hosp Med 45, 300-302.

269. Norman S.G., Johnson M., Studd J.W.W.(1991)
Obstetric and gynaecological abstracts: A Review.
AIDS Care 3: No.4: 451-455.

270. Studd J.W.W.(1991)
Complications of hormone replacement therapy
Prescriber's Journal 31: (5): 180-4

271. Gregoire A.J.P., Henderson A.F., Kumar R., Studd J.W.W. (1991)
A double-blind placebo-controlled study of transdermal oestradiol in the treatment of postnatal depression Biol. Psychol. 29, 11s: 130s.

272. Henderson A.F., Studd J.W.W.(1991)
The role of definitive surgery and hormone replacement therapy in the treatment of endometriosis.
In: Modern Approaches to Endometriosis
Eds: E. Thomas, J. Rock, p 275-290

273. Rees M., Leather A., Pryse-Davies J., Collins S.A., Barlow D.H., Studd J.W.W.(1991)
A first study to compare two dosages of dydrogesterone in opposing the 50mg oestradiol
Maturitas 14, 1, 9-15

274. Garnett T.J., Studd J.W.W., Watson N.R., Savvas M. (1991)
A cross-sectional study of the effects of long-term percutaneous hormone replacement therapy on bone density.
Obstet & Gynecol 78 (6) 1002-7

275. Spector T.D., Brennan P., Harris P., Studd J.W.W. Silman A.J. (1991)
Does estrogen replacement therapy protect against rheumatoid arthritis?
Journal of Rheumatology 18 (10), 1473-1476.

276. Baber R., Abdalla H., Studd J.W.W. (1991)
The premature menopause
In: Progress in Obstetrics and Gynaecology
Ed: Studd J.W.W., Churchill Livingstone, London
Vol 9: 209-226

277. Watson, N.R., Studd, J.W.W. (1991)
Diagnosis and management of the premenstrual syndrome.
Postgraduate Update, 444-452 (01.03.91)

278. Garnett T.J., Mitchell A., Studd J.W.W. (1991)
Patterns of referral to a menopause clinic
J R Soc Med 1991 84 (3) 128-30.

279. Leather A.T., Savvas M., Studd J.W. (1991)
Endometrial histology and bleeding patterns after eight years of continuous combined oestrogen and
progestogen therapy in post-menopausal women.
Obstetrics & Gynaecology 78 (6) 1008-10

280. Studd J.W.W. (1991)
25 years of gynaecology
B.J.H.M. 46 (4) 230, 233

281. Hall G.M., Spector T.D., Studd J.W.W. (1992)
Carpal tunnel syndrome and hormone replacement therapy.
BMJ Vol. 304; 382

282. Studd J.W.W. (1992)
Commentary: MD Madness
Br J Obs Gyn 99: (1) 3-4

283. Kirkland A., Power M., Burton;G., Baber R., Studd J., and Abdalla H. (1992)
Comparison of attidues of donors and recipients to oocyte donation.
Human Reproduction Vol 7; 355-357

284. Studd, J.W.W. (1992)
Dependence and oestrogen replacement.
Lancet Vol 339 page 505-506

285. Leather A.T., Watson N.R., Studd J.W.W. (1992)
The use of oestrogens in the treatment of premenstrual syndrome.
In: Hormones in Gynaecological Endocrinology
Proceedings of the Plenary Sessions of the 3rd World
Congress of Gynaecological Endocrinology.
Eds: Genazzani A.R., and Pentraglia F. Madonna Di Campiglio, Parthenon Publishing, Carnforth p. 535-543

286. Studd J.W.W. (1992)
Complications of hormone replacement therapy in post-menopausal women.
J R Soc. Med. 85: 376-378

287. Smith R., Studd J.W.W. (1992)
Hormone replacement therapy: A review.
J. Drug Dev. 4(4); 235-244

288. Smith R. and Studd J.W.W. (1992)
A pilot study of the effect upon multiple sclerosis of the menopause, hormone replacement therapy and the menstrual cycle.
J R Soc. Med 85 (10) 612-3

289. Savvas M., Studd J.W., Norman S., Leather A.T., Garnett T., Fogelman I. (1992)
Increase in bone mass after one year of percutaneous oestradiol and testosterone implants in post-menopausal women who have previously received long-term oral oestrogens.
British Journal of Obs. & Gynae. 99, (9) 757-60

290. McCarthy K.H., Johnson M.A., Lawton F.G., Studd J.W.W. (1992)
Acceptability of screening for HIV seroprevalence in women with cervical pathology
Lancet 340, 1040-1 (letter)

291. Burton G., Abdalla H.I., Kirkland A., Studd J.W.W. (1992)
The role of oocyte donation in women who are unsuccessful with in-vitro fertilization treatment.
Human Reprod. 7, (8) 1103-5

292. McCarthy K.H., Studd J.W.W., Johnson M.A. (1992)
Heterosexual transmission of human immunodeficiency virus.
B.J.H.M. 48, (7) 404-9

293. Studd J.W.W. (1992)
Oestrogens and Depression in Women.
B.J.H.M. 48, (5) 211-3

294. Spector T.D., Brennan P., Harris P.A., Studd J.W.W., Silman A.J., (1992)
Do current regimes of hormone replacement therapy protect against subsequent fractures?
Osteoporosis International 2, (5) 219-24

295. Studd J.W.W. (1992)
Gender and Depression (letter)
Lancet 340, 794

296. Garnett T., Studd J.W.W., Watson N.R., Savvas M., Leather A.T., (1992)
The effects of plasma oestradiol levels on increases in vertebral and femoral bone density following therapy with oestradiol and oestradiol with testosterone implants.
Obstetrics & Gynaecology 79,(6) 968-72

297. Garnett T.J., Studd J.W.W. (1992)
Monitoring hormone replacement therapy in general practice.
Postgraduate Update (Sept) 426-430

298. Burton, G., Cardozo, L.D., Abdalla, H., Kirkland, A., Studd, JWW (1992)
The hormonal effects on the lower urinary tract in 282 Women with premature ovarian failure.
Neurourol Urodyn, 10, 318-9

299. Cutner, A., Burton, G., Cardozo, L.D., Wise, B.G., Abbot, D., Studd, J.W. (1993)
Does progesterone cause an irritable bladder?
Int. Urogynaecol J 4, (259), 261

300. Leather A.T., Studd J.W.W., Watson N.R., Holland E.F.N.(1993)
The prevention of bone loss in young women treated with GnRH analogues by "Add-Back" oestrogen therapy.
Obstetrics & Gynecology 81, (1) 104-107

301. Leather A.T., and Studd J.W.W. (1993)
Estrogen replacement therapy without the withdrawal bleed.
In: Annual Progress in Reproductive Medicine
Eds. R.H Asch and J.W.W. Studd (Parthenon) pg 291-299

302. Smith, R.N.J., Studd J.W.W. (1993)
The use and abuse of progestogens in gynaecology.
Maternal and Child Health 18 (7) 213-216

303. Studd J.W.W., Smith R.N.J. (1993)
Oestradiol and testosterone implants.
Bailliere's Clin. Endo. & Metab. 7 (1) 203-223

304. Johnson M.A, McCarthy K, Studd J.W.W, Norman S.C (1993)
HIV infection in women.
European Journal of Obstetrics, Gynecology, &
Reproductive Biology 49(1-2):22

305. Smith R.N, Studd J.W.W (1993)
Recent advances in hormone replacement therapy. (Review)
British Journal of Hospital Medicine 49(11) 799-808

306. McCarthy,KH., Johnson, MA., Studd, JW. (1992)
Antenatal HIV testing
Br.J.Obstet.Gynaecol. 11, 867-8

307. Abdalla H.I, Burton G. Kirkland A, Johnson M.R, Leonard T., Brooks A.A, Studd J.W.W (1994)
Age, pregnancy and miscarriage: uterine versus ovarian factors.
Human Reproduction 8(9): 1512-7

308. Leather A.T., Holland, E.F.N., Andrews G.D., Studd J.W.W. (1993)
A study of the referral patterns and therapeutic experiences of 100 women attending a specialist
premenstrual syndrome clinic.
Journal RSM 86 (4) 199-201

309. Savvas M., Bishop J., Laurent G., Watson N., Studd J.W.W.(1993)
Type III collagen content in the skin of postmenopausal women receiving oestradiol and
testosterone implants.
B.J.O.G. 100 154-156

310. Studd J.W.W. (1993)
Treatment of premenstrual syndrome.
In: Everyday problems in Gynaecology
Reed Healthcare Communications (Netherlands)
Volume 1 (8) 1-8

311. Holland E.F.N., Formosa M., Brincat M.P. and Studd J.W.W. (1993)
The hormone responsiveness of collagen in skin and bone in postmenopausal women.
In: Annual Progress in Reproductive Medicine
Eds. R.H Asch and J.W.W. Studd (Parthenon) pg 273-282

312. Holland E.F.N. and Studd J.W.W. (1993)
Health and Hygiene 14, 99-102

313. Holland E.F.N. and Studd J.W.W. (1993)
Screening for Osteoporosis.
Well Woman Team, Issue 10, 3-4

314. Studd J., Versi E., Watson N., Montgomery J. (1993)
Management of the Menopause (letter)
Lancet 342(8870), 553-554

315. Leather A.T., Holland E.F.N., Studd J.W.W. (1993)
The clinical problems of women referred to a specialist menopause clinic.
J. R. Soc. Med. 86, 385-387

316. Holland E.F.N., Leather A.T., Studd J.W.W., Garnett T.J. (1993)
The effect of a new sequential oestradiol valerate and levonorgestrel preparation on the bone mineral density of postmenopausal women.
BJOG 100, 966-967

317. Zamblera D., and Studd J.W.W. (1993)
Treatment of mild premenstrual syndrome
Contemp. Rev. Obstet & Gynaecol. 5 214-220

318. Khastgir G., Abdalla H.I., Studd J.W.W. (1994)
The case against ovarian biopsy for the diagnosis of premature menopause.
B.J.O.G. 101 4-6

319. Holland E.F.N., Studd J.W.W. (1993)
Wider applications for oestrogen replacement therapy.
The Journal of Sexual Health 3(7) 200-204

320. Holland E.F.N., Leather A.T., Studd J.W.W. (1994)
The effect of 25mg percutaneous estradiol implants on the bone mass of postmenopausal women.
Obstetrics & Gynecology, Vol 83, (1) 43-46

321. Studd, J.W.W. Smith R.N.J. (1994)
Oestrogens and depression in women.
The Diplomate 1 18-23

322. Holland E.F.N., Chow J.W.M., Studd J.W.W., Leather A.T.and Chambers T.J. (1994)
Histomorphometric changes in the skeleton of postmenopausal women with low bone mineral density
treated with percutaneous estradiol implants.
Obstet. & Gynecol 83 (3), 387-391

323. Holland E.F.N., Studd J.W.W., Mansell J.P., Leather A.T. and Bailey A.J. (1994)
Changes in collagen composition and cross-links in bone and skin of osteoporotic postmenopausal women treated with percutaneous estradiol implants.
Obstet. & Gynecol 83 (2) 180-183

324. Smith R.N.J., Holland E.F.N, Studd J.W.W, (1994)
The symptomatology of progestogen intolerance.
Maturitas 18, 87-91

325. Studd J.W.W. (1994)
Hysterectomy: A suitable case for audit
"The Management of hysterectomy" Geriatric Medicine, Clinical Bulletin

326. Smith R.N.J., and Studd J.W.W. (1994)
Estrogens and Depression in Women Treatment of the Postmenopausal women: Basic and Clinical Aspects.
Edited by Rogerio Lobo. Pgs 129-136

327. Holland E.F.N. and Studd J.W.W. (1994)
Postmenopausal Osteoporosis Progress in Obst. & Gynae.
(Ed. Studd) 11 361-476

328. Khastgir G., Abdalla H. I., Studd J.W.W. (1994)
The case against ovarian biopsy for the diagnosis of premature menopause.
Br J Obstet Gynecol, 101, 96-98

329. Khastgir G., Mascarenhas L.J., Davies R., Studd J.W.W. (1994)
Ultrasonic parameters influencing the outcome of a superovulation and IUI programme.
Int. J. Gynec Obstet, 46 (suppl 1), 43

330. Khastgir G., Abdalla H.I., Studd J.W.W. (1994)
A simplified approach to ovum donation with oestradiol implants; the preliminary experience.
Int. J. Gnec Obstet, 46 (suppl 2), 110

331. Formosa M., Brincat M.P., Cardozo L.D., and Studd J.W.W. (1994)
The Significance in Skin, Bones and Bladder.
Treatment of the Postmenopausal women: Basic and Clinical Aspects.
Edited by Rogerio Lobo. Pgs 143-152

332. Fogelman I., Fentiman I., Hamed H., Studd J., and Leather A. (1994)
Goserelin (Zoladex) and the skeleton.
B.J.O.G. 101 (10) 19-23

333. Holland E.F.N., and Studd J.W.W. (1994)
The Menopause. Clinical Review of Gynaecology
Update (July) 83-90

334. Studd J.W.W. and Zamblera D. (1994)
Treatment of Osteoporosis in Women Over Sixty Years of Age.
Osteoporosis Minisymposium
The Diplomate 1(2) 121-128 - June 1994

335. Studd J., Holland E.F.N., Leather A., and Smith R. (1994)
The dose-response of percutaneous oestradiol implants on the skeletons of postmenopausal women
B.J.O.G. 101 787-791

336. Khastgir G., Studd J. (1994)
Pregnancy-associated osteporosis.
B.J.O.G.101 836-838

337. Studd J. and Zamblera D. (1994)
Estrogen therapy in women over 60 years of age.
Gynecol. Endorcinol 8 191-196

338. Norman S., and Studd J. (1994)
A survey of views on hormone replacement therapy
B.J.O.G. 101 879-887

339. Studd J.W.W. and Smith R.N.J. (1994)
Oestrogen & Depression
Menopause 1, 33-37

340. Abdalla H.I, Brooks A.A, Johnson M.R, Kirkland A, Thomas A, Studd J.W.W (1994)
Endometrial Thickness: a predictor of implantation in ovum recipients?
Human Reproduction 9 (2): 363-5

341. Sands R.H. and Studd J.W.W. (1994)
Androgens and Women's Health.
Clinician 12:28

342. Studd J.W.W. and Sands R.H. (1994)
The arguments in favour of prophylactic oophorectomy at hysterectomy.
(Ed)Crosignani P.G., Paolette R., Sarrel P.M.,Wenger N.K.
Women's Health in Menopause Dordrecht/Boston/London.
Kluwer Academic Publishers 1994, 103-109

343. Khastgir, G., Studd.,J. (1994)
Pregnancy-associated osteoporosis
Br. J. Obstet.Gynecol. 101 (10) 836-8

344. Holland E.F.N., Leather A.T., Studd J.W.W. (1995)
Increase in bone mass of older postmenopausal women with low mineral bone density after one year of percutaneous oestradiol implants.
B.J.O.G. 102 238-242

345. Sands R., Studd J. (1995)
Exogenous androgens in postmenopausal women.
American Journal of Medicine 98, Suppl la

346. Studd J.W.W., Saha S., Hickey M., Fraser I.S. (1995)
Shifting indications for hysterectomy.
Lancet 345, 8946, 388

347. Sands R.H. & Studd J.W.W. (1995)
The effects of long-term continuous combined preparations.
The Diplomate (in press)

348. Sands R.H. and Studd J.W.W. (1995)
Oestrogens & Cancer
The Diplomate (? in press)

349. Sands R.H. and Studd J.W.W. (1995)
HRT - An Ethical Dilemma.
Publication followed symposium at RSM May 1993.

350. Zamblera D. and Studd J.W.W. (1995)
Premenstrual depression.
Primary Care 2(1) 1 - 4
Pub: Current Medical Literature, London

351. Sands R., Boshoff C., Jones A. and Studd J.W.W. (1995)
Current Opinion: Hormone Replacement Therapy after a diagnosis of Breast Cancer.
Menopause: The Journal of North American Menopause Society 2(2) 73-80

352. Smith R.N.J., Studd J.W.W., Zamblera D., Holland E.F.N. (1995)
A randomised comparison over 8 months of 100mcgs and 200mcgs twice weekly doses of transdermal oestradiol in the treatment of severe premenstrual syndrome.
B.J.O.G. 102 475-484

353. Studd J.W.W., McCarthy K., Zamblera D., Burger H Silberberg S., Wren B., Dain M.P., Le Lann L., Vandepol C. (1995)
Efficacy and tolerance of Menorest compared to Premarin in the treatment of postmenopausal women.
A randomised, multicentre, double-blind, double-dummy study.
Maturitas 22 105-114

354. Henderson A., and Studd J. (1995)
Oestrogens and postnatal depression: Obstetrics
Contemp. Rev. Obstet. Gynaecol. 7 90-96

355. Versi E., Cardozo L., Studd J., Brincat M. and Cooper D. (1995)
Urinary Disorders and the Menopause.
Menopause: The Journal of the North American
Menopause Society 2 (2); 89-95

356. Watson N.R., Studd J.W.W., Garnett T., Savvas M. and Milligan P. (1995)
Bone loss after hysterectomy with ovarian conservation.
Obstetrics & Gynecology 86 (1) 72-77

357. Sands R., and Studd J.W.W. (1995)
Prescribing Dilemmas: duration of HRT use.
Postgraduate Centre Series 53-55

358. Khastgir G., Studd J., King H., Abdalla H., Jones J., Carter G., Alaghband-Zadeh J., (1995)
A comparative study of the changes in bone turnover during lactation in women with normal and absent ovarian function.
J. Endocrinol, 144 (Suppl), 11

359. Khastgir G., Alaghband-Zadeh J., Zamblera D., Sands,R., Wheeler M.J., Jones J., Carter G., Studd J.(1995)
Changes in serum growth hormone and IGF-1 levels following transdermal oestrogen replacement in
postmenopausal women.
J. Endocrinol, 144 (Suppl) 139

360. Alaghband-Zadeh J., Khastgir G., Zamblera D., Sands,R., Wheeler M.J., Jones J., Carter G., Studd J. (1995)
Raised serum 11-deoxycorticol levels in the luteal phase with pre-menstrual syndrome.
J. Endocinol, 144 (suppl) 344

361. Zamblera D., Studd J., Sands R., Khastgir G., Panayiatou L., King H., (1995)
A cross-sectional study of bone density in women over 60 on long-term hormone replacement therapy.
Gynaecol Endocrinol, 9 (Suppl 1), 43

362. Khastgir G., Abdalla H., Studd, J. (1995)
Outcome of oocyte donation following radiotherapy and chemotherapy
Int. J. Fertility, 23 (suppl), 45-46

363. Khastgir, G., Freeman J., Blunt D., Phelan M., Studd J., Abdalla H. (1995)
Uterine blood flow monitoring; can it predict implantation in oocyte recipients
Hum Reprod, 10 (abstract 1) 72

364. Khastgir G., Studd J.W.W., Abdalla H.I. (1995)
Uterine blood flow: does it influence implantation in oocyte recipients?
Contraception Fertilite Sexualite, 23, 67

365. Khastgir G., Studd J.W.W., King H., Abdalla H.I., Jones J., Carter G., Alaghband-Zadeh J. (1996)
Changes in bone density and bone metabolism in pregnancy associated osteoporosis
Br J Obstet Gynecol, 103, 716-718

366. Henderson A.F., Studd J.W.W. (1995)
Hysterectomy, bilateral oophorectomy and estradiol/testosterone implant therapy in the treatment of severe endometriosis.
Progress in Reproductive Medicine. Volume 2.
(Eds.Asch R., Studd J.W.W.)
Parthenon Press

367. Sands R., Zamblera D., and Studd J. (1995)
Non-Bleeding Regimens of HRT
The Diplomate 2 (4) 253-257

368. Panay N. and Studd J.W.W. (1995)
Medical Problems in Obstetric Practice - Multiple Choice Questions
In: The Diplomate (J.W.W. Studd ed.) Parthenon Publishing,
London, pp214-219

369. Khastgir G., Studd J.W.W., Alaghband-Zadeh J., and Abdalla H.(1995)
Outcome of oocyte donation in women with Turners syndrome.
Contraception Fertilite Sexualite, 23, 7

370. Khastgir G., Studd J.W.W. and Abdalla H. (1995)
Histogram - a new ultrasonographic method of assessing endometrial receptivity during oocyte donation.
Contraception Fertilite Sexualite, 23, 7

371. Khastgir G. and Studd J.W.W. (1995)
Infertility - multiple choice questions.
Diplomate (2) 294-300

372. Sands R.H. and Studd J.W.W. (1995)
Prescription dilemmas: Duration of therapy

373. Panay N., and Studd J.W.W. (1996)
Do progestogens and Progesterone Reduce Bone Loss?
Menopause: The Journal of the North American
Menopause Society 3(1) 13-19

374. Gregoire A.J.P., Kumar R., Everitt, B., Henderson A. and Studd J.W.W. (1996)
Transdermal oestrogen for treatment of severe postnatal depression.
Lancet 347 930-933

375. Studd J.W.W., McCarthy K., Zamblera D., Dain M.P., and L. Le Lann (1996)
A double-blind, double-dummy comparative study of Menorest 50 versus Premarin 0.625mgs in the treatment of menopausal symptoms and the prevention of bone loss in patients with menopausal symptoms.
Clin. Drug Invest. 11 (4) 205-213

376. Studd J.W.W. (1996)
Hormone Implantation
The Diplomate 19-24

377. Smith R.N., Studd J.W.W. Leather A.T., Crook D., (1996)
Sequential desogestrol and oestradiol implants; side effects and lipid changes

378. Studd J.W.W., Panay N., Zamblera D., Leather A.T., (1996)
HRT and long-term compliance: the efficacy and safety of Menorest
Int J Gynaecol Obstet 52(1): S21-5.

379. Panay N., Studd J.W.W., (1996)
HRT and Depression
Gynaecological Endocrinology 10 (S4): 24-26.

380. Panay N., Studd J.W.W., (1996)
Menopause and the Central Nervous System
Eur Menopause J 3: 242-249.

381. Panay N., Sands R.H., Studd J.W.W., (1996)
Estrogens and behaviour
In: The Brain: Source and Target for Sex Steroid Hormones pp 257-276.
Eds. Genazzani A.R., Petraglia F., Purdy R.H.
Parthenon Publishing Group, Lancs

382. Sands R.H., Panay N., Studd J.W.W., (1996)
Androgens and behaviour
In: The Brain: Source and Target for Sex Steroid Hormones pp 293-304.
Eds. Genazzani A.R., Petraglia F., Purdy R.H., Parthenon Publishing Group, Lancs

383. Rozenbaum H., Birkhauser M., De Nooyer C., Lambotte R., Pornel B., Schneider H., Studd J.W.W. (1996)
Comparison of two estradiol transdermal systems
Maturitas 1996 25 (3): 161-173

384. Studd, J.W.W. (1996)
Continuation Rates with Cyclical and Continuous Regimes of Oral Estrogens and Progestogens (Editorial)
Menopause 3 (4) 181-182

385. Studd, J.W.W. (1996)
Shifting Indications for Hysterectomy (Letter)
Lancet 345: 388

386. Khastgir G., Abdalla H., Thomas A., Korea L., Latarche L., Studd J.W.W. (1996)
Oocyte donation in Turner's syndrome: an analysis of the factors affecting the outcome
Human Reproduction 12 (2) 101-107

387. Sands R.H. and Studd J.W.W. (1996)
Hormone replacement in women treated for cancer.
Gynaecological Oncology. (Eds Shingleton, Jordon)

388. Studd, J.W., MacCarthy, K., Zamblera, D., Dain, M.P.(1996)
Efficacy and safety of Mnorest (50 mikrog/day) compared to Premarin Treatment of menopausal symptoms and the prevention of bone loss in a single-center, comparatice, randomized, double-blind, double - dummy study.
Scand. J. Rheumatol. Suppl. 103,89-90

389. Panay N., Studd J.W.W. (1997)
Progestogen intolerance and compliance with hormone replacement therapy in menopausal women
Human Reproduction Update 3 (2): 159-171

390. Khastgir G. & Studd J.W.W. (1997)
Post-hysterectomy Depression - Does It Exist?
The Diplomate Vol 4 (1) 13-18

391. Sands R., Studd J.W.W. (1997)
Hormone Replacement 352. Gambrill E., Studd J.W.W. (1996)
Mrs MS's hormone imbalance
Update April 1997: 481-482

392. Zamblera D., Studd J.W.W. (1996)
Premenstrual depression
Psychiatric Reviews 19xx: 7-10

393. Studd J.W.W., Leather A.T. (1996)
The need for add-back with gonadotrophin-releasing hormone agonist therapy
Br J Obstet Gynaecol 1996; 103 (supp 14): 1-4

394. Leather A.T., Studd J.W.W., Holland E.F.N., Watson N.R. (1996)
The treatment of severe premenstrual tension with GnRH analogues with or without add-back hormone replacement therapy: A double- blind placebo controlled study.
In preparation

395. Gregoire A.J.P., Henderson A.F., Kumar R., Everitt B.,
Studd J.W.W. (1996)
Transdermal oestrogen for treatment of severe postnatal depression.
Lancet 347 : 930-933

396. Khastgir G., Studd J.W.W., King H., Abdalla H., Jones J., Carter G. and Alaghband-Zadeh.(1996)
Bone changes during pregnancy in women with normal and low bone density.
Current Research in Osteoporosis and Bone Mineral Measurement(4) 21-22

397. Khastgir G., Studd J.W.W., King H., Abdalla H., Jones J., Carter G. and Alaghband-Zadeh.(1996)
Changes in bone density and biochemical markers of bone turnover in pregnancy-associated osteoporosis.
BJOG: Vol 103, pp 716-718

398. Khastgir G., Abdalla H. and Studd J.W.W. (1996)
Bone changes in pregnancy associated osteoporosis.
Contemp Obstet Gynecol (8) 185-191.

399. Khastgir G., Abdalla H., Thomas A., Freeman J., Phelan M. and Studd J.W.W. (1996)
Monitoring of uterine receptivity to predict embryo implantation in hormone replacement cycles.
Br J Obstet Gynecol (103) 165-70.

400. Panay N., Studd, J.W.W. (1996)
Excessive supraphysical levels of estradiol due to self-medication and overdosage with estradiol gel.
Menopause 4(2): 120-122

401. Studd J.W.W., Panay N. (1996)
Chronic fatigue syndrome.
Lancet 348: 1384

402. Panay N., Rowe R., Edwards L., Studd J.W.W. (1996)
A survey of hormone replacement therapy awareness and usage following hysterectomy.
Current Research in Osteoporosis & Bone Mineral Measurement (iv): 127

403. Drew S.V., Rowe R., Panay N., Studd J.W.W. (1996)
The use of hormone replacement therapy following hysterectomy: A General Practice Pilot Audit Study.
Current Research in Osteoporosis & Bone Mineral Measurement (iv): 128

404. Rozenbaum, H., Birkhaurse, M., De Noyer, C., Lambotte, R., Pornel, B., Schneider, H., Studd, J (1996)
Comparison of two estradiol transdermal systems (Oesclim 50 and Estraderm) in skin tolerability.
Maturitas 3,175-85

405. Rozenbaum, H., Birkhauser, M., De Nooyer, C., Lambotte, R., Pornel, B., Schneider, H., Studd, J.
Comparison of two estradiol transdermal systems (Oesclim 50 and Estraderm) Tolerability, adhesion and efficacy.
Maturitas, 3, 161-173

406. Sands R.H. and Studd J.W.W. (1997)
Hormone replacement therapy after the diagnosis of breast cancer.
Current Opinion in Obstetrics & Gynaecology 8:216-220

407. Hormone ReplacementTherapy and Breast Disease
The Diplomate 4 (3) 171-177

408. Khastgir G. and Studd J.W.W. (1997)
Hysterectomy and HRT.
Martin Dunitz Publishers.

409. Khastgir G. and Studd J.W.W. (1997)
Hysterectomy and depression.
In: Hysterectomy ed.
Studd J.W.W. & Edwards L., RCOG Publication

410. Khastgir G. and Studd J.W.W. (1997)
Hysterectomy, hormones and depression.
RCOG Year Book ed.
O'Brian P.M.S., RCOG Publication

411. Panay N., Studd J.W.W., Thomas A., Sands R., Khastgir G., Zakaria F., Carey B., Irvine R., Andrews G., Bartlett S., Kelman R. (1997)
Prospective study of menopausal women on subcutaneous oestradiol, switched to the levonorgestrel releasing intra-uterine system because of oral progestogen intolerance.
Acta Obstet Gynaecol Scand 76(167):56

412. Panay N., Studd J.W.W., Watson N.R., MacGregor E.A. (1997)
Management of the Menopause In: Clinical Endocrinology Grossman A (ed)pp 769-786
Blackwell Science

413. Studd J.W.W., Panay N. (1997)
Oestrogens in the treatment of climacteric depression, postnatal depression, premenstrual depression and chronic fatigue syndrome.
In: Progress in the management of the menopause.
Wren B (Ed)p385-392 Parthenon, Sydney

414. Panay N. and Studd J.W.W. (1997)
Can hormone releasing intra-uterine systems prevent hysterectomy?
In: Hysterectomy and HRT pp 23-34
Eds. Studd J.W.W., Edwards L.
RCOG Press

415. Panay N. and Studd J.W.W. (1997)
Hormone replacement therapy after hysterectomy.
In: Hysterectomy and HRT pp 64-78 Eds. Studd J.W.W., Edwards L.
RCOG Press

416. Sands R.H., Studd J.W.W., Crook D., Warren J.B., Cruickshank J., Couts A., (1997)
The effect of oestrogen on blood pressure in hypertensive postmenopausal women.
Menopause 4:115-119

417. Studd, J. (1997)
Depression and the menopause. Oestrogens improve symptoms in some ……..
BMJ, 314 (7085) 977-8

418. Ogueh O., Khastgir G., Studd J.W.W., Jones J., Allaghband-Zadeh J. and Johnson M.R. (1998)
The relationship of fetal serum markers of bone metabolism to gestational age.
Early Human Dev 53 (2) 155-61

419. Ogueh O., Khastgir G., Studd J.W.W., Jones J., Allaghband-Zadeh J. and Johnson M.R. (1998)
Antenatal corticosteroid therapy and risk of osteoporosis.
Br J Obstet Gynecol (In Press)

420. Khastgir G. and Studd J.W.W. (1998)
Hysterectomy, ovarian failure and depression.
Menopause (In Press)

421. Ogueh O., Khastgir G., Studd J.W.W., Jones J., Alaghband-Zadeh J. and Johnson M.R. (1998)
Maternal and fetal plasma levels of markers of bone metabolism in gestational diabetic pregnancy.
Early Human Development (Submitted)

422. Ogueh O., Khastgir G., Nicholaides K., Studd J.W.W., Alaghband-Zadeh J. and Johnson M.R. (1998)
Fetal levels of plasma markers of bone metabolism throughout pregnancy.
Endocrinology (Submitted)

423. Khastgir G. and Studd J.W.W. (1998)
Patients' outlook, experience and satisfaction with hysterectomy, oophorectomy and hormone replacement therapy by oestradiol and testosterone implants.
Am Obstet Gynecol (Submitted)

424. Khastgir G. and Studd J.W.W. (1998)
The hormonal basis of hysterectomy related depression.
Contemporary Reviews in Obstetrics and Gynecology: p 303-310

425. Khastgir G. and Studd J.W.W. (1998)
HRT after hysterectomy.
In: Management of menopause ed. Studd J.W.W. Parthenon Publication

426. Khastgir G. and Studd J.W.W. (1998)
Choice of treatment for menorrhagia.
In: Menorrhagia ed. Sheth S.S. and Sutton C.J.G.
Isis Medical Media Publications

427. Abdalla,H.I.,Billett,A., Kan,A.K., Baig, S., Wren,M., Korea, L., Studd, J.W., (1998)
Obstetric outcome in 232 ovum donation pregnancies.
Br.J.Obstet.Gynaecol. 105 (3) 332-7.

428. Khastgir G. and Studd, J.W.W. (1998)
Hysterectomy, Ovarian Failure and Depression.
Menopause Vol.5 (2) 113-122

429. Ogueh O., Khastgir G., Studd J.W.W., Jones J., Alaghband-Zadeh J., and Johnson M.R. (1998)
Antenatal corticosteroid therapy and risk of osteoporosis.
BJOG (105) 551-555

430. Panay N. and Studd J.W.W.
The psychotherapeutic effect of oestrogens
Gynecol Endocrinol 1998, 12:353-363

431. Panay N. and Studd J.W.W. (1998)
HRT and Progestogen Intolerance
In: The prescriber's guide to HRT Whitehead M
(ed) p151-168 Parthenon, London

432. Panay N. and Studd J.W.W. (1998)
Metabolic actions and long term side effects of therapeutic steroids used for contraception, hormone replacement therapy and gynaecological disease: psychological, mood and CNS effects
In: Estrogens and progestogens in clinical practice.
Fraser I.S., Janssen R.P.S., Lobo R.A., Whitehead M.I.
(Eds)p805-816 Churchill Livingstone, Edinburgh

433. Panay N. and Studd J.W.W. (1998)
Problems with HRT: Progestogen side-effects
The Diplomate 5(1): 37-45

434. Panay N. and Studd J.W.W. (1998)
Depot Progestogens: Any problems?
The Diplomate 98-104

435. Studd J.W.W., Arnala I., Kicovic P.M., Zamblera D., Kroger H., Holland E.F.N. (1998)
A randomized study of Tibolone on bone mineral density in osteoporotic postmenopausal women with previous fractures.
Obstetrics & Gynecology 92(4 Pt 1):574-9,

436. Khastgir G., Studd J.W.W., Holland E.F.N., Alaghband-Zadeh J., Fox S., Chow J. (1998)
Histomorphometric evidence of an anabolic effect of oestrogen on bone in older postmenopausal women.
Br J Obstet Gynecol 105 (Suppl 17), 6.

437. Khastgir G., King H., Jones H., Alaghband-Zadeh J., Abdalla H.I., Studd J.W.W. (1998)
Efficacy of oestrogen replacement in preventing osteoporosis in young women with ovarian failure. Fertil Steril, 70 (Suppl 1), 3-4

438. Khastgir G. and Studd J.W.W. (1998)
Hysterectomy and depression.
In Progress in Obstetrics & Gynaecology (Vol 13)
ed. Studd J.W.W., Churchill Livingstone

439. Sands R.H. and Studd J.W.W. (1998)
HRT following the treatment of hormone-sensitive tumours.
Diplomate 5:46-50

440. Panay N., Sands R.H., Studd J.W.W. (1998)
Psychological, Mood and Central Nervous System Effects.
In: Estrogens & Progestogens.
(Eds Fraser J., Jansen R.P.S., Lobo R.A., Whitehead M.)
Churchill Livingstone, London

441. Khastgir G. and Studd J.W.W. (1998)
The hormonal basis of hysterectomy-related depression.
Contemporary Reviews in obstetrics & Gynecology 303-310

442. Zakaria F.B.P. and Studd J.W.W. (1998)
Hormone replacement therapy following hysterectomy for endometriosis.
Current Obstetrics & Gynaecology 8:191-196

443. Leather A.T., Studd J.W.W., Watson N.R., Holland E.F.N.(1999)
The treatment of severe premenstrual syndrome with goserelin with and without 'add-back' estrogen therapy: a placebo-controlled study.
Gynecol Endocrinol 13:48-55

444. Panay N., Studd J.W.W., Carter G., Zakaria F., Alaghband-Zadeh J.(1999)
Insulin resistance varies according to phase of menstrual cycle.
Hum Reprod ( submitted)

445. Panay N., Studd J.W.W. (1999)
The long term avoidance of progestogenic side effects using the levonorgestrel releasing intra-uterine system in women using oestrogen therapy.
Br J Obstet Gynaecol (submitted)

446. Panay N., Zakaria F., Carey B., Studd J.W.W. (1999)
The use of add-back tibolone in women treated with goserelin for severe premenstrual syndrome.
Br J Obstet Gynaecol (submitted)

447. Studd J.W.W., Pornel B., Marton I., Bringer J., Varin C.,
Tsouderos Y., Christiansen C., for Aerodiol Study Group (inc. Panay N.) (1999)
Efficacy and acceptability of intranasal 17b oestradiol for menopause symptoms: randomised dose-response study.
Lancet 353: 1574-1578

448. Panay N. and Studd J.W.W.(1999)
Menorrhagia: In: The place of intra-uterine delivery of progestogen and progesterone.
Sheth S., Sutton C. (Eds) Isis Medical Media, Oxford (In Press)

449. Panay N. and Studd J.W.W. (1999)
Non-contraceptive uses of the hormone releasing intra-uterine systems.
In: Progress Volume 13 Ed: Studd, J.W.W.
Churchill Livingstone 379-395

450. Khastgir G., Studd J.W.W., Catalan J. (1999)
Psychological outcome of hysterectomy.
Br. J. Obstet Gynaecol, 106 (7), 620-2

451. Khastgir G., Studd J.W.W., Catalan J. (1999)
Psychological outcome of hysterectomy.
In Menorrhaghia ed. Sheth S.S. & Studd J.W.W.
Isis Medical Media Publications

452. Khastgir G., Studd J.W.W., Catalan J. (1999)
Is there a hormonal basis to hysterectomy-related depression?
BJOG: Vol 106, pp 620-622

453. Ogueh O., Khastgir G., Studd J.W.W., Jones J., Alaghband-Zadeh J., Johnson, M.R.
Increased Maternal Bone Formation in Type I Diabetic Pregnancies
Calcif Tissue Int (1999) 65:211-213

454. Khastgir G. and Studd J.W.W. (1999)
Hormonal replacement therapy after hysterectomy.
Contemporary Reviews in Obstetrics & Gynecology

455. Drew S.V., Rowe R., Panay N. and Studd J.W.W. (1999)
A general practice pilot audit study to assess advice and treatment offered to women following hysterectomy.
Climacteric 1999;2:212-217

456. Panay N., Sands R.H., Zamblera D., Studd J.W.W. (1999)
The use of 25mg oestradiol implants as continuous combined hormone therapy.
Br J Obstet Gynaecol

457. Studd, J. (1999)
Aerodiol: Estrogen Replacement Therapy via the Nasal Route for the Treatment of Menopausal Symptoms.
Medicographia, 21,3, 256-260

458. Studd, J.W.W. (1999)
Aerodiol: estrogen replacement therapy via the nasal route for the treatment of menopausal symptoms
In: The Menopause at the Millennium
Parthenon Publishing (In Press)

459. Taurelle R., L'Hermite M., Haenggi W., Lauritzen C., Studd, J.W.W. (1999)
The long-term tolerability and efficacy of OESCLIM®: results of a 1-year study
Maturitas Vol 33 Suppl 1: S73-S81

460. Panay, N., Studd, JWW. (1999)
Menopause Review: gonadal steroids, mood and depression in women.
Menopause Review, iv,2,57-67

461. Vashisht,A., Studd, J., Carey, A., Burn, P. (1999)
Fatal Septicaemia after fibroid embolisation
Lancet, 354 (9175), 307-8

462. Ogueh,O., Khastgir, G., Studd J.W., King, H., Johnson,M.R. (1999)
Postpartum bone mineral density following antenatal dexamethasone
Br.J. Obstet Gynaecol. 106 (10) 1093-5

463. Ogueh,O., Khastgir, G., Studd, J., Jones,J., Alaghband-Zadeh, J., Johnson, M.R. (1999)
Increased maternal bone formation in type I diabetic pregnancies.
Calcif tissue Int. 65 (3) 211-3

464. Vashisht, A., Khastgir, G., Studd, JWW., (1999)
The role of initiating hormone replacement therapy to prevent and treat osteoporosis in the older postmenopausal woman.
In: Management of the Menopause in the Millennium.
Parthenon Publishing. Ed. J. Studd

465. Studd, JWW., Vashisht, A., (1999)
HRT: The ideal timing to start and stop.
In:Controversies in Obstetrics, Gynaecology and Infertility. Eds.
Ben-Rafael, Z & Shoham, Z. 19-22.

466. Studd, JWW., Vashisht, A., (1999)
Selecting the oestrogen for treatment.
In:Controversies in Obstetrics, Gynaecology and Infertility.
Eds. Ben-Rafael, Z., and Shoham, Z. 41-44.

467. Vashisht, A., Studd, JWW., (1999)
Uterine artery embolisation: a pilot study
Journal of the British Menopause Society, 5, S3,32

468. Domoney,CL., Vashisht, A., Kelman,R., Studd, JWW., (1999)
HRT continuance 10 years after hysterectomy.
Menopause, 6, 4, 338

469. Studd JWW., Vashisht A., (1999)
Selecting the Oestrogen for Treatment.
In Contoversies in Obstetrics, Gynaecology and Infertility.
Eds. Ben-Rafael Z & Shoham Z. 41-44

470. Vashisht A., Studd JWW. (1999)
Uterine artery embolisation: a pilot study.
Journal of the British Menopause Soceity.
Vol 5, S3, 32


471. Carey,B.J., Carey,A.H., Patel, S., Carter,G., Studd,J.W. (2000)
A study to evaluate serum and urinary hormone levels following short administration of two regimens of progesterone cream in postmenopausal women.
BJOg 107 (6) 722-6

472. Khastgir,G., Studd, JWW., Catalan, J. (2000)
The psychological outcome of hysterectomy Gynecol Endocrinol.
Apr 14 (2), 132-41

473. Vashisht,A., Studd, JWW (2000)
Molecular Mechanisms of Oestrogen - the gynaecologists' viewpoint.
Europ. J. Cancer (36) S14-15

474. Versi, E., Harvey, M-A., Cardozo, L., Brincat, M., Studd, JWW.(2000)
Urogenital Prolapse and Atrophy at Menopause: A Prevalence Study
Int. Urogynecol J.

475. Vashisht,A., Studd, JWW., Carey,AH.,McCall,J.,Burn,PR., Healy,JC., Smith,JR. (2000)
Fibroid embolisation: a technique not without significant complications.
BJOG, Sept 2000

476. Anim-Nyame, N., Domoney, C., Panay, N., Jones, J., Alaghband-Zadeh, J., Studd, JWW (2000)
Plasma leptin concentrations are increased in women with premenstrual syndrome.
Human Reproduction, vol 15, 11, 2329-2332

477. Studd, JWW., Domoney, C., Khastgir, G. (2000)
The place of hysterectomy in the treatment of menstrual Disorders.
In Disorders of the menstrual cycle. Vol 29
Eds. PMS O'Brien, I Cameron, A MacLean. RCOG Press, London

478. Sands,RH., Studd JWW., Jones, J., Alaghband Zadeh J., (2000)
Comparison of the biochemical effects of testosterone and estrogen on bone markers in surgically menopausal women.
Gynecol Endocrinol 2000, 14, (5) 382-387

479. Khastgir G., Studd J. (2000)
Patients' outlook, experience and satisfaction with hysterectomy, bilateral oophorectomy, and subsequent continuation of hormone replacement therapy.
Am. J.Obstet. Gynecol. 183 (6) 1427-33

480. Vashisht, A., Studd, J. (2000) "HRT after Hysterectomy"
FOGSI Focus on "The New Science of HRT. 19-21

481. Vashisht A., Domoney, C., Cronje, W., Wirth KA., Studd, JWW (2000)
Conventional Therapies for the Treatment of Menopausal Symptoms.
Journal of the British Menopause Society, S3,36

482. Vashisht A., Studd JWW., Domoney C., Khastgir, G. (2000)
The effect of long term oestradiol implants on bone mineral density.
Journal of the British Menopause Society, S2, 22.

483. Domoney C., Anim-Nyame N., Vashisht A., Wirth KA., Studd JWW (2000)
Leptin and Insulin Resistance in women with Premenstrual Syndrome and Asymptomatic Women.
Journal of the British Menopause Society, S3 26-27.

484. Domoney C., Vashisht A., Wirth KA, Studd JWW. (2000)
Comparison of the use of non oral oestrogens by gynaecologists and general practitioners for severe pre-menstrual syndrome.
Journal of the British Menopause Society S3 27.

485. Ogueh O., Khastgir, G., Abbas, A., Jones, J., Nicolaides, KH., Studd, JW. (2000)
The feto-placental unit stimulates the pregnancy-associated increase in maternal bone metabolism.
Hum Reprod 15 (8) 1834-7

486. Domoney, C., Studd, J., (2000)
Osteoporosis and hormone replacement therapy. Postgraduate Doctor Caribbean, 16,10,

487. Khastgir G., Studd J. (2000) "Oestrogen and Osteoporosis"
In Progress in Obstetrics & Gynaecology Vol 14, 216-232


488. Moore, A., Vashisht A., Sabin C., Mocroft A., Madge, S., Phillips AN., Studd JWW., Johnson MA. (2001)
Reduced bone mineral density in HIV positive individuals.
AIDS 2001 Sept 7;15(13) 1731-3.

489. Vashisht, A., Studd, J. (2001)
Perimenopausal applications of oestrogen therapy.
Gynaecology Forum

490. Cronje WH, Vashisht A, Hawkins AP, Studd JWW.
Five year follow-up of women diagnosed with premenstrual syndrome (PMS).
How are they now? Menopause 2001;8:674.

491. Cronje WH, Vashisht A, Studd JWW.
Continuation rates in women who have had total abdominal hysterectomy and bilateral salpingo- oophorectomy for PMS.
Journal of the British Menopause Society 2001;7 (S3):24.

492. Studd JWW, Cronje WH. Androgens and libido: a case for men and women.
Journal of the British Menopause Society 2001; 7(S2):19-21.

493. Studd J, Cronje WH, Vashisht A. The role for supplemental androgens in men and women.
In: The 2nd World Congress on Controversies in Obstetrics, Gynecology & Infertility.
Eds: Ben-Rafael Z, Shoham Z, Frydman R, Monduzzi Editore 2001:285-291.

494. Vashisht A, Domoney CL, Cronje WH, Studd JWW.
Prevalence of and satisfaction with complementary therapies and hormone replacement therapy in a specialist menopause clinic.
Climacteric 2001;4: 250-56.

495. Panay N., Toth C., Pelissier C., Studd JWW (2001)
Dose-ranging studies a novel intranasal estrogen replacement therapy Maturitas. 38 S1:15-22

496. Hawkins, AP., Domoney CL., Studd JWW (2001)
Prophylactic Oophorectomy and Oestrogen / Testosterone implants at the time of hysterectomy.
In "Menopause: Hormones and Cancer." Proceedings of the 2nd International Symposium of the Portuguese Menopause Society, Lisbon, March 2001.

497. Domoney C, Vashisht A, Studd JWW, Boag F. (2001)
The use of open access genito-urinary clinics by women over the age of 45.
Journal Of the British Menopause Society, Supplement S3 p25

498. Vashisht A, Cronje W, Studd JWW (2001)
"Testosterone therapy to treat partial endocrine deficiency in the aging male"
Journal Of the British Menopause Society, Supplement S3 p33

499. Domoney, C., Studd, JWW. (2001)
Management of premenstrual syndrome.
Update May;614-621.

500. Khastgir, G., Studd, J., Holland, N., Alaghband-Zadeh, J., Sims, TJ., Bailey, AJ. (2001) Anabolic effect of long-term estrogen replacement on bone collagen in elderly postmenopausal
women with osteoporosis.
Osteoporosis Int. 12 (6) 465-70.

501. Khastgir, G., Studd, J., Holland, N., Alaghband-Zadeh, J., Fox, S., Chow, J. (2001)
Anabolic effect of estrogen replacement on bone in postmenopausal women with osteoporosis;
histomorphometric evidence in a longitudinal study.
J. Clin. Endocrinol. Metab. 86 (1) 289-95

502. Versi, E., Harvey, MA., Cardozo, L., Brincat, M., Studd, JWW. (2001)
Urogenical prolapse and atrophy at menopause; a prevalence study.
Int. Urogynecol J Pelvic Floor Dysfunction 12 (2) 107-10

503. Studd, J., Cronje, W., Vashisht, A., (2001)
The role of supplemental oestrogens in men and women.
Second World Congress on Controversies in obstetrics, gynecology & infertility, 285-291


504. Studd JWW, Cronje WH. (2002)
Trandermal estrogen for the treatment of premenstrual syndrome.
In: Advances in Gynecological Endocrinology. Eds: Genazzani AR, Petaglia F, Parthenon Publishing;80-89.

505. Cronje WH, Studd JWW. (2002)
Premenstrual syndrome (PMS)and premenstrual dysphoric disorder (PMDD).
In: Primary Care Clinics of North America. WB Saunders ;29:1-12.

506. Panay N, Zamblera D, Sands R, Jones J, Alaghband-Zadeh J, Studd JW. (2002)
Low dose 25 mg oestradiol implants and 1 mg norethisterone as continuous combined hormone therapy: a prospective study. BJOG 109: 958-960.

507. Durvasula R, Ahmed SM, Vashisht A, Studd JWW. (2002)
"Hormone replacement therapy and malignant melanoma: to prescribe or not to prescribe?" Climacteric;5:197-200

508. Domoney, C., Studd, JWW (2002)
'Hysterectomy and sexuality' In Vaginal Hysterectomy
Ed. S.S. Sheth & J.W.W. Studd. Martin Dunitz, London. 287-300

509. Domoney, C., Studd, JWW. (2002)
Factors that improve continuation Of HRT.
Menopause Digest;14(3):5-6.

510. Studd, JWW., Hawkins, AP., Domoney, CL. (2002)
Prophylactic oophorectomy and estrogen/testosterone implants at the time of hysterectomy.
In: Menopause - Hormones and Cancer. 97-106
Ed. Parthenon Publishing Group

511. Domoney, C., JWW Studd. (2002)
Osteoporosis and hormone replacement therapy.
Postgraduate Doctor Middle East;25(2):39-43.

512. Khastgir, G., Studd, JWW (2002)
Hysterectomy and hormone replacement therapy.
In: Vaginal Hysterectomy
Eds. Sheth, S., Studd, J. Martin Dunitz, 263-274

513. Khastgir, G., Studd, JWW., Catalan, J. (2002)
Psychological outcome of hysterectomy.
In: Vaginal Hysterectomy Eds. Sheth,S.
Studd, J. Martin Dunitz, 275-286

514. Wadsworth, F., Studd, JWW. (2002)
Decision-making for vaginal and abdominal hysterectomy.
In: Vaginal Hysterectomy Eds. Sheth, S., Studd, J. Martin Dunitz, 355-362



515. Studd, J. (2003)
Women, hormones and depression.
In: The Management of the Menopause, Third Edition, Ed. John Studd.
Parthenon Publishing. 119-129

516. Cronje, WH., Studd, J. (2003)
Vaginal estrogens: is there a role for their use?
In: The Management of the Menopause. Third Edition
Ed. John Studd. Parthenon Publishing 213-220

517. Panay, N., Studd, J. (2003)
Pulsed estrogen therapy: a new concept in hormone replacement therapy.
In: The Management of the Menopause Third Edition. Ed. John Studd.
Parthenon Publishing 221-227

518. Domoney, C., Vashisht, A., Wirth, KA., Studd, JWW. (2003)
The use of complementary therapies by women with attending a Specialist premenstrual syndrome clinic.
Gynecological Endocrinology. 17,1,13-18

519. Khastgir G, Studd JWW, Fox SW, Jones J, Alaghband-Zadeh J, Chow JW.(2003)
A longitudinal study of the effect of subcutaneous estrogen Replacement in bone in young women with Turner's syndrome
J Bone Miner Res May 18(5) 925-32

520. Domoney, CL., Studd, JWW., Mocroft A,(2003)
Continuation of HRT after hysterectomy.
Climacteric 6 (1) 58-66

521. Studd J., (2003)
Hormone Replacement Therapy after Hysterectomy.
Menopause Digest, 15,3, 5-6

522. Cronje WH, Hawkins AP, Studd JWW. (2003)
The premenstrual syndrome.
In: Progress in Obstetrics and Gynaecology 15.
Ed: Studd J, Elsevier Science Ltd. 169-183.

523. Hawkins, AP., Domoney CL., Studd JW. (2003) Sexuality after
Hysterectomy In: Progress in Obstetrics and Gynaecology 15.
Ed: J. Studd. Churchill Livingstone, London and Edinburgh,

524. Vashisht, A., Studd, JWW. (2003)
Five-year changes in bone density and their relationship to plasma estradiol and pretreatment bone density, in an older population of postmenopausal women using long-term estradiol implants.
Gynecol Endocrinol 17, 463-470

525. Studd J. (2003) Women, hormones and depression.
In: Hormone Replacement Therapy and The brain.
Ed. AR Genazzani, Parthenon Publishing. 221-230

526. Panay, N., Zakaria, F., Carey, B., Studd, JWW. (2003)
The use of Add-back tibolone in women treated with goserelin for severe premenstrual syndrome.
Hum Reprod. (in press)



527. Domoney, C., Studd, J. (2004)
The prevention and treatment of osteoporosis in women.
Postgraduate Doctor Caribbean 20,1, 12-18


In the Press

528. Panay N., Studd J.W.W., Carter G., Domoney C., Zakaria F. Alaghband-Zadeh J.
Insulin resistance varies according to phase of menstrual cycle.
Gyne Endocrinol (in press)

529. Domoney, CL., Studd, JWW.,
An approach to 'natural' management of the menopause. (Submitted)
